Dear visitors of the site "", as you may have guessed in this article, we will talk about a unique and exclusive pen made in the style of a lighthouse
It would be worth the trouble to surprise people around you today, because consumer goods have filled the space in the human mind, and in order to arouse interest, masters create unique handmade things that carry a piece of the soul of the author.
Masters professionally engaged in this type of creativity already have a regular customer base and easily sell their
Having extra income and live as it is more fun)
For their products, steampunkers mainly use copper and brass parts and blanks, as well as craftsmen especially appreciate antiques.
And so in order to understand how the author managed to create such a beautiful pen, you should carefully review the photos, as well as study the list of necessary materials and tools.
Materials1) brass tube
2) plumbing transition
3) brass sheet
4) fountain pen
5) strobe
6) battery
7) LED
Instruments1) lathe
2) metal sheet
3) jigsaw
4) pliers
5) soldering iron
6) incisors
7) a drilling machine.
And so first the author takes the blank.
Drives her into a lathe.
Processes to the desired size.
Next is the upper part, which will serve as a lighthouse.
Makes a beacon of LED.
Here's what happened.
Then, with a marker, marks the base of the future pen.
It is carried out in the form of a bricklaying.
For half an hour, it is etched in acid.
Takes a plumbing detail.
Saws in size and inserts into the headstock of the lathe.
Prepares a pen.
Sharpen further.
These are the details obtained.
Work on the machine again
A switch is inserted into the cap.
Detail made of ebony.
It looks very beautiful.
Prepared by a strobe.
A bush is made from wood for storing the battery.
Preliminary alignment.
I inserted the battery.
Engaged in the installation of electronics.
Made a protective glass of the lighthouse.
By tradition, he made a weighing.
And of course measured with a ruler.
And then he arranged a small photo shoot for his masterpiece)
That's all that I wanted to describe in this article. The author advises everyone to do more creative work and creation, then life will be filled with happiness and joy.