Also in the autumn season, when hens bring offspring and become klush, you should take care of the little chickens, so that it is warm and dry, to protect the kids from attack by birds of prey like kites and ravens. This is precisely why the author made the chicken house out of old windows.
And so in order to understand how the author did this construction, you should familiarize yourself with the photo and video report of the master, as well as study the list of necessary material and tools.
1) window frames
2) board
3) plywood
4) wood screws
1) hacksaw
2) a hammer
3) screwdriver
4) hammer
5) ax
And so after dismantling the old windows.

It turned out here is such a bunch of frames with glasses.

Here, in fact, the chicken house is ready in haste, it is quickly assembled and just as quickly disassembled)
Also, the author filmed a video on the creation and operation of the chicken house.
[media = https: //www.youtube.com/watch? v = 2UESLpsfzWI]