Make a drawer from boards and plywood. To make it easy to extend, fasten the plywood bottom in the grooves of the side and front walls of the box. Glue the handle to the front of the front wall. Put the base of the cabinet from thick boards 100 mm wide.
Bend the table stand from a metal bar with a diameter of 12-14 mm (you can also use a reinforcing bar). To fix it on the table top, cut a corner of steel 6-7 mm thick, drill holes for screws in it, and then weld to the stand. From the bottom to the stand, weld the thrust bearing.
Second the table is also single-pedestal (fig. 2). Unlike the first one, in addition to drawers, it has special pockets sewn from durable fabric. On the table top you can install a stand for books, a table lamp.
The main material is wooden blocks with a section of 45x45 mm. True, we can not do without a particleboard. In addition, for the table you need plywood, a 4-6 mm bar, fabric, M8-M10 bolts with nuts, metal corners.
First prepare the bars for the frame and table legs. Thoroughly shave them with a planer, clean with a sandpaper. Attach the strips with a cross section of 25x30 mm with the screws of the frame - the table cover will rest on them. Between each other, the bars can be mounted in different ways: on spikes, on glue, with screws. We suggest using bolts and corners - so the walls of wardrobes, cabinets are attached. Drill holes for the bolts in the legs. In the bars of the frame, hollow out the grooves for washers and nuts and also drill holes for the bolts (Fig. 3). In the heads of the bolts, make slots under the screwdriver.
Assemble the gumboodle for the table from a chipboard (you can use multilayer plywood). Install partitions on wooden round pins: if you only fasten them with screws, they may not withstand the load.
Put boxes from boards, plywood or hardboard.
Make cutouts in the front walls of the boxes - these will be some kind of handles. Attach the stand to the legs and the lid with angles bent from steel 3-4 mm thick. The table top can be sawn out of a chipboard, thick plywood or put together from boards with a thickness of 18-20 mm (the board cover must be covered with thin plywood or plastic).
Now - about the stand for books. Bend it from a metal bar with a diameter of 3-4 mm. In the back - farthest from the bar sitting at the table - drill holes for the stand with a depth of 20 mm. In the same bar, drill holes for pens and pencils.
And finally, about pockets for books. It is best to sew them from a tarp, then they will serve for a long time, and they will keep their shape well.
Now assemble the table. Put on the right legs of the pocket and fasten the bars of the frame with legs. Insert the washers into the slots of the bars, then the nuts, the bolts into the legs (do not forget to put the washer under the head) and, using a screwdriver and a wrench, tighten the parts together. To make the frame stronger, connect it to the legs with corners bent from steel 4-5 mm thick. Screw the curbstone to the legs with large screws, and connect the corners with the frame. On the slats attached to the bars of the frame, lay the cover and screw it on the bottom with screws. Fasten pockets on legs with small carnations with washers.