Each summer resident knows well how good it is to have a fence with swing gates for driving in a car) And also the gate requires a high-quality shutter, best spring-loaded, as in our case.
This type of constipation will not allow you to leave the gate open, because the spring will surely return it to the groove, and everything will be completely safe.
The creation of this mechanism is quite simple and easy) two segments from the pipe are taken in the form of rings, a metal plate 4 mm, a steel bar 10 mm, and of course a spring.
The author who made this mechanism kindly left a photo report for the followers, as well as a video where he explains the moments of the assembly of the product and its subsequent operation.
And so in order to proceed further, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the list of necessary materials and tools for work.
1) 4mm steel plate
2) spring
3) steel bar 10 mm
4) nut
5) bolt
6) wire
1) grinder
2) welding machine
3) drill
4) hammer
5) file
And so, for starters, the author gives us drawings and sketches for clarity.

There is one more trick in this mechanism, but it will be shown in the video, we wish you a pleasant viewing.
[media = https: //www.youtube.com/watch? v = sJTFvi_C5xY]
This concludes my story, I hope you enjoyed it) Thank you for your attention!