The vibrating plate is one of the tools whose use is necessary when carrying out construction work. It's manual device Designed for compaction of soil or ground cover. As a rule, factory vibrators are used, however, self-made vibrators are also quite widespread when leveling surfaces.
The design of the vibrating plate is a cast-iron or steel platform equipped with a built-in engine. Steel ones are considered to be of higher quality, since low-grade cast iron may crack during operation. It is easiest to tamp the soil with a vibrating plate having a small surface area, since the pressure on the soil in this case is as high as possible.
One of the main criteria taken into account when choosing a vibrating plate is the vibration force indicators, on which the density of the tamping surface directly depends. The higher they are, the more efficient the tool will perform its task. For example, for laying tiles, you need a vibrating plate weighing from 75 to 90 kg with a vibration force value of not more than 20kN. If this figure is exceeded, the tile is too tightly pressed into the ground or simply damaged. For laying asphalt, a vibrating plate with indicators over 10 kN is required.
The higher the engine power (which, by the way, can work both on gasoline and on electricity), the easier it will be to move the steel plate. And yet, the basic requirement that any vibrating plate must meet (regardless of whether it is manufactured in a factory or with one's own hand) is its mass, which determines the operational features of the tool. Manual vibrating plates, have a lightweight design (65 - 75 kg), as a rule, are more convenient to use.
Plate 72 * 40 is cut from a sheet of iron 8mm.
Bend the edges in front 10cm, and behind 7cm. The working plane came out 55 * 40cm. All brew and strengthen with metal.
The design of the engine mountings of the VAZ 2106, corner and sheet of iron
mount for vibrator
Drawing of a shaft and pulley, bearing seats 6206
Engine with motoblock NIVA