Making a luminous tube does not require much time and expense. For its manufacture, the author took the following materials: two LEDs, a transparent tube, a marker marker, two batteries, cologne, glue.
Step 1: Making the fluid
To make a reflective liquid, the author used a bright yellow text marker. First, the author disassembled the marker and pulled a rod out of it. Placing the rod over the container poured cologne into it. The resulting liquid was diluted with water and mixed well. The resulting liquid should reflect light well.

Step 2: Assembling the Tube
The author used the tube from a dropper. Cut off 10 centimeters of the tube. From one end I inserted an LED into the tube. It was experimentally established that the best light is given by blue LEDs. In a tube with a syringe, poured liquid. I installed the LED in the second end of the tube. Using glue, sealed the joints.

Step 3: Power Connections
To power the LEDs, the author used 3-volt batteries, simply inserting them between the legs of the LEDs. Not forgetting, of course, about polarity.

The luminous tube is ready. If someone decides to make the same tube, for practicality it would not hurt to fix the batteries in a more reliable way.