Our society today lives in an age of universal well-being, a person has absolutely everything that he wants, any whim can be fulfilled for money. But such a consumer life does not suit everyone, creative people strongly resist and conduct an active search for ideas, constant work and self-improvement.
Also, many young people in our time choose a creative hard, but fascinating path to their development. For example, one of the new trends in our country, this is steampunk, combines several directions and translates into something unusual and unique.
Masters working in this field love and respect history, and in each of their work they try to draw something from the distant past in order to make the product more attractive and attractive to human eyes. The main material that the guys use is brass and copper, precious metals covered with patina over time.
For example, our master once again decided to surprise the customer with his masterpiece, and to find out how he did it, you should carefully study the photo report left by the master for his followers, and of course, examine the list of necessary materials and tools necessary for making a fountain pen.
1) brass tube 16 mm
2) 4 mm brass bar
3) brass sheet
4) fountain pen
5) ebony
6) pebbles from Swarovski
1) lathe
2) string
3) vernier caliper
4) ruler
5) cutter
6) metal sheet
7) file
8) pliers
9) marker for aggressive environment
And so the author first takes the marker.