With this instruction you can equip your bike speakers and then have fun with friends, well, or just attract the attention of the opposite sex. The speakers are very compact and can be removed at any time, they are in the frame contour. An amplifier of class “T” was used in the system; it is powered by batteries. As for music, it can be played from any MP3, the author used an iPod. The audio system is assembled quickly, and the elements are not expensive.
Tools and materials for homemade:
- pliers, wrenches, metal scissors, drill with drills;
- marker;
- Velcro textile Velcro;
- spray paint (useful);
- wires, adapter 3.5 mm;
- a metal basket for installing the amplifier (strong);
- leather belt;
- thin sheet aluminum (usually used in heating and ventilation systems);
- Sonic Impact amplifier with battery power (per channel of 15 watts);
- Two sticky speakers such as Sonic Impact.

You can say a few words about the amplifier and speakers. The amplifier runs on 8 AA batteries; it is best to use batteries for such purposes so that they can be charged. On good batteries at full power, the amplifier can work about 3-4 hours.
As for the speakers, they are good in that they can be glued to any surface, while it turns into a loudspeaker. In the project, the author used two aluminum panels; they are installed inside the bicycle frame. The speakers are mounted directly on these sheets of aluminum, that is, the sound will go directly from the sheets of aluminum. If such speakers could not be found, you can use the usual, suitable in size.

As for the sound source, the author used an iPod for such purposes, it is in a silicone case. There is a clip on the back of this cover, with its help it is convenient to fix the iPod to the bicycle.
The process of creating homemade:
Step one. We make patterns
In order to make the necessary elements, the author first makes patterns, that is, patterns.For such purposes, thick paper or cardboard is suitable. You need to circle and cut the inner contour of the bike frame.

Step Two Cut out panels
When the patterns are ready, they can be attached to sheets of aluminum and cut. After that, the panels will be ready. If it turns out that the panel will be cut out not quite evenly, it’s not scary, you can bend the extra edges. Otherwise, the panel will cling to the frame, making unpleasant sounds and scratching the paint.

Step Three Clamps
Now you need to take the belt and cut two pieces 25 cm long. Then, in the aluminum panels, you need to drill two holes with a drill, that is, front and back. Next, the belts are screwed with bolts with locknuts to the panels. On this, this panel can already be hung on the frame of the bicycle, just throwing it like a saddle bag.

On the inner sides of the two panels glued speakers. They need to be installed at different levels, otherwise when driving they will fight against each other.
So that the structure does not swing from side to side, it is attached below to the frame with Velcro.

Step Four The final stage. Assembly
To the cables from the speaker you need to connect two RCA connectors “mother”, then they can be easily disconnected from the amplifier and removed from the bike. Since the author’s amplifier had too long wires, he shortened them to 15 cm, otherwise they can get confused in the front wheel.

When driving, the amplifier will jump over the basket and may fall out if it is not fixed. The author screwed the battery cover with wire to the basket. Now the amplifier is securely fixed, and if necessary, it can easily be unfastened from the cover.
The basket is mounted on the steering wheel; for convenient removal, you can use Velcro or straps. It is important not to forget that the basket must be fixed securely.

That's all, you can connect the iPod to the amplifier using a 3.5 mm adapter. Then the speakers are connected to the amplifier and you can start testing. You need to increase power smoothly. If the speakers do not turn on, you may need to swap the wires in the cable (red and black).
To make the panel merge with the bicycle, the author painted it in the same color. Of course, color and drawings are everyone’s business. After completing all the work, you can ride a bike, enjoying your favorite tracks.