Today's suburban construction it has reached unprecedented scales, someone is building from scratch, others are rebuilding, in short, construction is in full swing.
People building their personal country house in the project and lay the construction of the bath, as without it. In our Country, a bathhouse for a person is a special place where a person enters tired and exhausted, and after bathing and taking a steam run like a young stallion, the bathhouse exerts its wonderful effect on the human body, rejuvenating it and expelling all the bad things that have accumulated both in the body itself and in to his soul. After bathing in the Russian Bathhouse, breathing deeply, and life seems so beautiful that everything bad is forgotten, and only positive thoughts.
But the construction of the bathhouse is not the limit of good imagination, in the modern style the font is also attached. It is intended for swimming after arriving in the steam room, that is, it was steamed properly in the steam room and quickly jumped into the font with cool water, in words it is difficult to convey, you need to try and experience that unforgettable feeling of immersion in water after the steam room.
Nowadays, the manufacturer offers a huge number of various devices for the bath, they also include pools, fonts, barrels and much more, anything for your money. Prices for these products are sometimes not too pleasing to a potential buyer, but even on the contrary repel.
But our people have always been famous for their ingenious ingenuity, as well as the ability to do absolutely everything with their own hands. And once again, you can look at a living example of how a person, using the necessary minimum, creates masterpieces in construction.
And so that to thoroughly understand how the author built the font in his bath, you should carefully study this wonderful photo report that the master made when building the font, as well as examine the list of necessary materials and tools.
1) cement
2) sand
3) gravel
4) fittings
5) ceres CX 5
6) primer
7) osb plate
8) timber
9) wood screws
10) stairs
1) shovel
2) hammer drill
3) hammer
4) screwdriver
5) welding machine
6) grinder
7) roulette
8) level
9) crown
10) putty knife
11) brush
And so first, in the waiting room, a place was chosen for the construction of the font.The work was complicated by a concrete floor which the author had to hammer.After removing the top of the concrete, the author begins to dig into the swarm hole.Gradually step by step.Slowly but stubbornly moving toward the goal.The earth is thrown through a window opening.There is still a bit left.And now the pit is ready.Next, the author proceeds to prepare the reinforcing frame.Welded 4 walls and, accordingly, the bottom.For the manufacture of formwork I used OSB boards.With the help of bars I assembled such a design.