In our century of global progress, when people have mastered space, seas and oceans, invented computers, and other achievements of civilization, it may seem a little strange to build a dugout on your site. Indeed, to date, people have developed and come up with hundreds of building materials, for any even the most capricious choice. But still, no matter how people try to prevail over nature, people are insignificant before its laws.
If you look closely and delve into the essence of this building, it turns out that the construction of the dugout is much more technologically advanced and interconnected with nature than any other construction made of concrete and brick, and most importantly, the material under our feet is located, simple earth, clay and sand.
Just take the natural gift and build it for your pleasure, and even such an indisputable plus in this room will always maintain the optimum temperature both in winter and in summer, it can be perfectly used for storing vegetables and fruits, as well as drinks.
Mother nature herself will regulate climate control) Again, no kind of energy is needed, nature provides everything, just need to be able to accept her gifts, and never harm her.
And so in order to build this building on his site, the author first chose a suitable place, cleared the vegetation, removed the sod along the entire contour.
Previously, I made a detailed plan drawing, in order to think through everything in advance and avoid mistakes during the construction process. Then the author covered the plot with gravel, rammed it well, and then proceeded to erect the walls.
The master makes walls of soil bags, but on the advice of experienced people it is better to use a mixture of clay and sand, as is known, clay itself is an antiseptic, and therefore there will be no mold and other things on the walls.
And so in order to understand the author’s intentions and understand the essence of construction, you should carefully study the photo report made by the author for his followers, as well as look at the list of necessary materials and tools for the construction of the dugout.
1) land
2) clay
3) sand
4) bags
5) tire
6) plastic mesh
7) door
8) gravel
1) shovel
2) blood clot
3) bucket
4) slider
5) a hacksaw
6) hammer
7) putty knife
8) trowel
And so for starters, the author allows us to get acquainted with the drawings, first of all, the foundation.

On the site, she will betray an unusual fabulous look, and guests will be delighted to look and ask inside) That's all, I hope you liked it) Thank you for your attention!