In our world, every day people are increasingly experiencing a lack of something unique, and the reason for this is consumer goods, powerful factories and factories producing millions of things and consumer goods, on the one hand to look at everything as if different, everything is allowed to people today, but there is no uniqueness and it’s not so easy to find.
Like no one else, this creative person understands this situation, because by nature this chuyka is inherent in him, as soon as he begins to realize that people need unique things, talent is instantly authorized and pep is spoken because he understands that at the moment people really need it. Creating unique things and objects, creative people carry a spark of light to humanity in the darkness of centuries.
For example, to take a neoplasm in our country, before the village was unprecedented and unknown as steampunk, this direction appeared not so long ago, but it has already won its niche among creativity.
The masters involved in this craft are very sensitive to the uniqueness of their work and they never once repeat it, they also respect history very much and try to display it in every thing, and for products they use only brass and copper, the most noble metals, over time covered with a beautiful patina.
And now, performing the next work, the author decided to share information and experience gained in this field. To understand everything, you need to carefully study the photo report made by the master for his followers, as well as view the list of necessary materials and tools for creating a mini flamethrower.
1) lighter
2) brass sheet
3) brass bar
4) copper sheet
5) copper wire
6) miniature pressure gauges
7) leather straps
1) drill
2) metal scissors
3) file
4) pliers
5) metal sheet
6) hammer
7) burner
And so for starters, the author took an old auto-lighter.