First, it’s probably worth a little clarification of what steampunk is and in fact, what it is and what it is positioned on.
This direction in creativity for our country is completely new and very young, because it came from abroad over the course of several decades, namely from English-speaking countries such as America and indeed the very old England herself.
All this direction is based mainly on science fiction, as well as precise mechanics, where people perfectly mastered steam engines. The word steam itself means steam, punk literally translates as rubbish, we are used to just calling steampunk.
Masters working on creating a variety of things in this style, as a rule, use only noble non-ferrous metals such as copper and brass. Everything is used: plumbing, door eyes, coins, tubes and wire of various diameters.
The guys also love and respect history, and try to convey in each of their work a piece of the past, in this age of nanotechnology and rapid progress.
So our author, once again fulfilling the order, decided to share the manufacturing technology of the case, and photographed the whole process on a camera, and then share it with an audience on the Internet. This photo report will help the young master in his endeavors, and will direct him in the right direction. Before you begin to work, you need to familiarize yourself with the photo report, as well as directly with the necessary list of materials and tools.
1) 16 mm copper tube
2) copper wire
3) copper sheet
4) solder
5) 4 mm copper bar
6) black leather
7) brass ring
1) drilling machine
2) drill
3) vernier caliper
4) ruler
5) jigsaw
6) metal sheet
7) burner
8) hammer
9) pliers
10) tap
And so the author first picks up the phone.