In this article we will look at how do it yourself You can make the so-called aircraft model Krestolet. A feature of this model is that there is no need to stick a wooden or carbon stringer along the fuselage. The load here will go to the lateral bend, which goes to the horizontal part of the fuselage. Going to model classically, from the ceiling.
The crossover is the same plane in which the fuselage is made in the form of a cross, if you look at the model in front.
Before you start creating a model, you can read how to hang steering surfaces. Here you can see.
And here you can study,.
If you are still a beginner, and do not know what adhesives are used in modeling, then you can read about it.
You can find out about the manufacture of home-made rods and clamps.
If it is decided to make boars with their own hands, then.
Download the aircraft model drawing by the link:
Materials and tools for homemade:
- ceiling tiles;
- scissors, clerical knife;
- adhesive tape;
- glue;
- paper;
- engine with screw;
- battery;
- electronics for management;
- servomotors;
- soldering iron, etc.

Model manufacturing process:
Step one. We print and cut out the drawing
The main work on the creation of an aircraft model converges to ensure that the necessary details are cut out. To do this, the drawing is first printed on paper, and then glued to the ceiling and cut out. Abroad, instead of a ceiling, it is customary to use a depron with a thickness of 6 mm, in our case, it can be replaced with a substrate under a laminate or isopoline with a thickness of 6 mm. If you use a ceiling, then it should be two-layer.
According to the author, the model from the ceiling will be stronger, it will better withstand the load on the bend. Among other things, the strength will increase thanks to the glue, which will be between the two layers of the ceiling.

Step Two Joining Workpieces
First of all, the fuselage is assembled in order to precisely connect all the details; they have special cutouts and grooves. Everything is connected with glue.

In order to give a profile to a wing, it needs to be suppressed. There is no need to overdo it with strength and depth, since the rounding will be small. When the wing profile is ready, then it can be inserted into the cutout of the fuselage.

Step Three The final stage of assembly
Since the author is collecting a half-copy, the wing will need to be given V. To make the angle V the same for each wing console, stands must be made under the edges of the wings.

To the bottom of the fuselage you need to glue the pads of lightweight plywood. Thanks to these pads, the aircraft will land successfully without damage, since it does not have a landing gear.

As for mounting boars and steering rods, they are installed in classical ways. The easiest way to hang the steering plane on the tape.

To fix the engine from the ceiling, an engine mount is made, then another wooden engine mount is installed on this engine mount, well, the engine is already mounted on it.
Servos are installed in the cutouts provided for in the fuselage. They can be fixed with a thermogun or other glue. Before pasting the servo, you need to wrap it with tape so that the glue does not stick together important parts and does not get inside the machine.
Electronic equipment is located in the horizontal part of the fuselage under the wing. That's all, now the model can be tested.

Even with this technology, you can make an option with two engines of the "frame" type. An example of such a model can be seen in the photo.