An original way to store a bicycle was invented and made by the author. Moreover, the main detail in this homemade, is an bicycle steering wheel.
Tools and material:
- Stain;
-Anchor bolt;
-Bicycle steering wheel with mounting tube;
-Laser cutter;

Step One: Preparing the Foundation
Covers the board with a stain in 2-3 layers. After drying, the stain is applied to the board, using a laser cutter, drawing.

Step Two: Loops
On the back of the board screw the hinges.

Step Three: Mounting the Gimbal
Screws a flange to the base.

Fastens the mounting tube to the flange.

Step Four: Steering Wheel
On a metal steering wheel puts a plastic tube.

I fixed the steering wheel on the mounting tube.

Step Five: Wall Mount
Screws two hooks into the wall. Suspension board hangs on hooks.