Dear visitors of the site, in the article presented to your attention, we will discuss how you probably already guessed about creating spinners for perch for winter fishing.
This spinner is a classic of its kind, and should be in stock for every fisherman. The manufacturing technology of sheer spinners on the one hand is quite simple, but still there are some subtleties that should be observed.
Material1) brass sheet
2) single hook
3) tin
4) rosin
5) red wool thread
Instruments1) metal scissors
2) drill
3) soldering iron
4) pliers
5) ruler
6) file
7) sandpaper
8) felt
And so this lure can most likely be classified as medium according to the author, which means that it can be attractive for larger fish species found in water bodies. Its length will be 70 mm with a width of 10 mm is the best option for this product.
Well, first the master cuts out 2 pieces of equal size from brass sheet.
Then it makes them tinning, puts a layer of tin on the surface of the workpiece.
Pre-cooks a single hook, biting off the eye with pliers and putting on a bead of a suitable size in diameter.
Then, very carefully solder the hook to the workpiece, pay attention you need to solder strictly in the center, so that the lure does not turn out to be one-sided.
And now the second half is soldered to the obtained part, the author performs this action as follows, calmly and measuredly solders the side parts of the baubles together.
Then he removes excess tin with a file and sandpaper.
She polishes everything thoroughly and thoroughly.
Just as it was mentioned above, the author attached a red woolen thread, this will give the best effect when playing a lure.
A hole was made in the upper part, again an important point! According to the author, it is better not to insert the winding ring into the hole, but to use the loop of the main fishing line for subsequent fastening. In the photo below, the master indicated the exact dimensions of the baubles, which is also an important point and should be noted.
Here is such a wonderful product turned out by our fisherman.
As you can see from the description, the process is not so complicated and quite possible for those who want to get homemade spinners. If you have free time, you can cook several at once :)
The author mainly uses home-made spinners, which he advises you. This concludes my story, I hope you enjoyed it :) Thank you for your attention! Come visit more often, so as not to miss the latest in the world of homemade goods!