To create this device, the author needed the following components.
1) elastic
2) steel wire
3) cambric
4) plastic tube
5) a piece of fiberglass rod
6) fishing rod with reel
1) stationery knife
2) pliers
3) scissors

An interesting invention, isn’t it :) So now let’s understand in detail the author’s work, what is the principle of operation of this shock absorber and how to make and assemble it. The principle is actually quite simple, so to begin with, the author made a frame of steel wire, and secured it with a crimp thermal tube at the end of the rod. Next, an elastic band with a plastic tube is put on the edges of the obtained crossbow, in which the corresponding holes for attaching the gatehouse are made. And directly due to the tightening of the spring, there is tension and reinforcement of the reverse action of the gatehouse. This adjustment of the shock absorber tension allows you to adjust the fishing rod to the quietest and most inconspicuous bites, it is mainly used when fishing peaceful fish, which do not need an active game and work with the rod.
As indicated above, the first thing the author makes the frame.

This concludes the tale, I hope you enjoyed it :) Thank you for your attention! Come often to visit, do not miss the latest in the world of homemade products.