Dear visitors of the site, the article brought to your attention will deal, as you probably guessed from its name, about creating a house out of round-shaped bags of earth. This type of construction implies a good saving, because the main material is free, and given to us by nature.
Consider what the author needed for the construction work.
Materials1) ground bags
2) crushed stone
3) fine gravel
4) clay
5) cement
6) board
7) timber
8) log
9) cardboard
10) roofing material
11) ceramic tile
12) glass bottles
13) glass
Instruments1) shovel
2) a hammer
3) ax
4) a hacksaw
5) drill
6) gas generator
7) chainsaw
8) roulette
9) knife
Nowadays, the question of building environmentally friendly housing, from natural materials, and without using a variety of chemistry, is becoming more and more urgent. In this case, the author built his sweet home from the free material that is under our feet, this is simple land. Natural material of this kind is a good heat insulator, and at the same time has the ability to breathe, which is important in an ecological house. The construction method is quite simple, the earth is mixed with clay and sand in bags, laid in a checkerboard pattern on the walls of the future home.
Previously, the author made a drawing of his future home, everything is clearly visible on it, which will be located where.
Then a trench digs around the marked circle, it will serve to lay the rubble foundation without adding cement.
Before laying the foundation, a pipe is laid at the bottom of the trench, it will serve to remove excess moisture.
Next, the trench is filled with large gravel to the top, then a small one is added and the whole thing is leveled.
After the rubble foundation is ready, the author proceeds to lay the first row of bags, in which a small amount of cement was previously added, this measure is a necessity in order to strengthen the lower part of the house.
The second row is also with a cement additive :)
But the author made the third row of bags filled with gravel, and gravel is needed to better strengthen the foundation of the future building.
And slowly begins to lay the bags already directly with the ground.
The contour of the future home is already slowly being outlined.
When erecting walls, the master does not forget about window openings.
As the walls are erected, it’s time to install the door jamb, and the jumper located on top.
These are the mighty walls obtained.
To install the roof, the author prepared a wooden column, which will be located inside the house, and keep the bulk of the roof on it.
The roof truss system is installed.
Rafters are located as follows.
Further, the author goes directly to the roof itself, for soundproofing it uses ordinary cardboard.
He proceeds to decorating the walls of the house, first fixes the mesh, and then applies clay plaster of his own manufacture.
Engaged in finishing work from the outside of the house.
Then he proceeds to the interior decoration of the walls.
As stated above, the author placed a column in the center of his house.
Then the master completes the front wall where the entrance and the large window will be located, empty glass bottles were originally applied here.
That's actually such a beauty in the end.
The floor inside the house is laid out with ceramic tiles in a circle.
Well, that's actually what happened with our master.
All construction work was completed before the onset of cold weather.
The construction is finally completed, the author is very glad that he now has his own house, and he does not depend on anyone, lives his full life, in a beautiful and environmentally friendly house.
This concludes my tale, I hope you enjoyed it :) Thank you for your attention! Come often to visit, do not miss the latest in the world of homemade products.