And so consider what the author needed for the manufacture of the vessel.
1) linden tree
2) linden bark
3) sticks
4) rope
1) knife
2) stone chopped

It’s clear with water :) Now, how and what to contain this most precious drink if you don’t have absolutely no dishes with you, and only a knife from the tool, or nothing at all.
For this purpose, you need to use the old grandfather's method, you need to find a linden tree, remove a piece of bark from it, clean the top with a knife. Then bend in half and divide again, only the most necessary part of the cortex will remain from which the vessel will be made. Having bent in half the obtained material, the author fastens 2 sticks on the sides by pulling them together with a rope, thereby fastening the side seams of the vessel.
So the first part is removed the upper part of the cortex.

Then the author takes directly the very piece of bark that he needs.

That's how it looks in section.

Bark is well removed from linden, especially during spring sap flow.

The bark is quite flexible.

This is how it looks before processing.

The author decided to demonstrate the most extreme way of making a container using a stone chopper, which was found nearby.

The master bends the resulting workpiece in 2 equal parts.

And a stone tool begins to remove excess.

He does everything slowly and measuredly.

Little by little palms chopped.

And the upper part of the cortex is gradually moving away.

Finally removes.

On the other hand, the same thing.

The main part is completed.

Then, using sticks, it connects the side seams of the vessel.

In this way.

The sticks are pulled together with a rope.

For ease of carrying, the author attached just such a handle made of rope.

This is a bucket of linden bark obtained by the master, with which he is extremely pleased. once again, the author reminds you not to panic in an extreme situation, keep calm, this will save strength.
This concludes the tale, I hope you enjoyed it :) Thank you for your attention! Come visit more often, do not miss the latest in the world of homemade products.