Dear visitors of the site, the article presented to your attention will discuss, as you probably guessed from the name, the technology for creating a single boat from plywood.
According to the author, building a boat for yourself is not so difficult, the main thing is to want. Having looked at similar topics on the Internet, I decided to create my own boat from simple and accessible materials and using a simple tool. The basis is plywood and epoxy, and as the author brought it all to life, see further.
Materials1) 4 mm plywood
2) epoxy resin
3) fiberglass
4) wood dust
5) varnish
6) paint
7) pine rail 18 mm
8) screeds
Instruments1) jigsaw
2) clamps
3) brush
4) drill
5) cargo
6) roulette
7) ruler
8) infrared burner
And so the first thing the author glues together two sheets of plywood 4 mm thick, he does it in joint with gluing the seam with a strip of fiberglass and impregnating with epoxy. Having done this operation, the author obtained a continuous sheet of plywood, which subsequently serves as the bottom of the boat. For better bonding of structural elements, the author applied the load in the form of old and old batteries.
Then the ship's hull was made by the master according to the same method, at first 2 sheets of plywood were glued together, and then the desired shape was given.
The author installed the hull made directly on the glued sheets lying on the floor, circled the future boat along the contour, and then went along the planned line with an electric jigsaw and the bottom is ready.
Then he lifts the vessel onto the slipway and sews the hull using plastic ties, these ties are quite widely used in the modern world, because they are very convenient and inexpensive.
Absolutely all seams and joints inside the boat are sealed with epoxy resin, with the addition of wood dust to thicken the composition.
Most carefully the master is engaged in the bow.
Then the slats are glued.
Rigidity ribs are attached to the boat with the help of rails, and they are glued with the help of wood glue, to fix and maintain the deadline, the author uses home-made clamps made of a river and a wing nut, such a clamp is fastened together by a strip from a plastic bottle and scrapers, it is quite simple and tested in action design.
After the glue has hardened, the clamps are removed.
Then the benches are set.
A locker was also made.
And now the hull of the boat is ready, but that’s not all, followed by fiberglass trim and epoxy impregnation.
The author spent about 6 m2 of fiberglass and 3 kg of epoxy on the hull of the boat. He worked with fiberglass using an infrared burner.
Here it is shown in the photo.
I glued and processed the case with fabric and resin.
After the epoxy hardens, the body is varnished.
The first water tests.
In the process of testing the hitching of the boat was revealed, to eliminate it the master decided to add a keel to the structure.
I made an oar from glued rails.
Here is such a form.
The next water tests were successful, and the author was incredibly happy realizing that he made a boat for himself.
For convenience of transportation to the place of launching, a wheeled wheel was made
Now the author has his own boat, made relatively inexpensively, because the master had a lot of material in stock, and friends helped as much as they could.
This concludes my tale, I hope you enjoyed it :) Thank you for your attention! Come visit the bowl, do not miss the latest in the world of homemade products.