In this article, we’ll look at how from wine cork, do it yourselfmake a lamp. According to the author, such a mini-lamp can withstand a drop from 40 meters and immersion in water.
Tools and materials:
-Wine cork;
-Light-emitting diode;
-Button mini-switch;
-Soldering iron;
-Soldering iron;
-Glue gun;
Step 1: Cork Preparation
Makes markup on the cork and cuts out, according to the markup, windows. Drills a hole from the end.

Cut out the side of the switch.

Step 2: Processing
Handles cork with a dremel with a grinding nozzle.

Step 3: Install the LED
Sets the LED, switch, batteries. Solders them. Fills with hot glue. Installs a stub.

All is ready. In more detail, the manufacturing and testing process can be seen in the video.