I changed the diode in the thirty - it burns, but blinks with an amplitude of about one second. There are three spotlights and three diodes - the effect is the same for everyone, the “castling” effect did not.
Thought of a "defective party." (it is unlikely that the driver is broken in three. Yes, and there is voltage)
I hung a ten-diode diode in series with resistors - it behaves the same. Blinks.
Unfortunately, the ten-repaired repaired already hang where they should, so I can’t put thirty there and see what happens, (I’m chore))))
I tried to hang a conductor at 1000 mF in parallel (the only one was at hand). Decimal began to blink very smoothly, it seems that there would still be a thousand - and it would burn without blinking (but not at hand.
I changed the diode to the "native" thirty, also with a conder - it blinks like it blinked, only barely glows. I was even scared that the Conder had not planted the wrong polarity - but no, that's right.
In short, what we have:
Driver (written 40 V, 900 mA)
1. The diode (the Chinese assured that a drop of 32V, a current of 800-1000mA) blinks sharply. With a capacitor of 100 mF, it blinks with the same amplitude, barely glowing.
2. A 10 W diode (the Chinese assured that a drop of 12 V, a current of 300 mA) with a resistance blinks the same. With a capacitor blinks smoothly, the glow does not change.
What's the matter???