So the day has come, the day of determining the winners in the competition homemade.
During the month of the contest, about 20 homemade products were added, 15 of which firmly expressed a desire to participate in the event, and the rest categorically dropped out of the drawing and requested payment for the articles. By announcing the competition, I was hoping for great activity of the authors. 15 not the best homemade products - this is not enough. And so I had to change conditions of the competition:
1. Define 5 homemade winners
2. As a prize - 1000 rubles or the equivalent product from Aliexpress of your choice
3. The remaining 10 homemade products may request payment of funds in author’s office.
Thus, no one will remain offended.
The list of homemade products-participants in the order of adding:
- Sliding gates on the middle beam
- Do-it-yourself winter zerkel for pike fishing
- DIY battery burner
- Shockproof flashlight
- DIY bird feeder
- Homemade fan from a broken cooler with speed control
- Homemade laptop table!
- Clock with a backlight from a garden flashlight
- DRL do it yourself (alteration)
- Cigarette lighter socket out of the usual electric cartridge of lamps
- DIY mini handheld vacuum cleaner
- Budget version of anti-skid (as an example, VAZ 2103)
- Homemade LED lights for the garage
- DIY rechargeable LED lamp
- DIY cotton candy making machine