If you have a marker that is not writing up, do not rush to throw it away, because you can make a marker from it that delivers a flux.
Let's start manufacturing.
1. Marker.
2. Liquid flux. Instruments:
1. Hair dryer.
2. Pliers.
3. Scissors.
Getting started.
To begin with, we need to disassemble the marker with pliers, we must do this very carefully so as not to damage the case.
Next, we take the three main parts of the marker, these are: the writing unit, and the plastic part in place with the fibers. Carefully remove the fibers and rinse under a running stream of water.
The writing unit is best washed with cologne or alcohol, and then under running water. Do the same with fibers. Dry with a hairdryer. Drying is best - individually.
Next, take pre-dried fibers, pre-twisting them, and gradually shove them into the tube.
The excess that remains can be cut off with scissors.
We begin to collect the marker, first you need to insert the writing node. And then we insert the plastic part. The writing unit and the plastic part should connect.
In order to make it more convenient to put the liquid flux in the marker, I poured it from a jar into a syringe and filled the marker. Syringe 2 ml.
The flux marker is ready. For example, I took a piece of tin and applied a thin layer of flux to it.
And tinned. With this flux marker it is very good to tune radio components, wiring, and boards.