Today, people are more and more inclined towards eco-construction and the use of only natural materials, this is due to the fact that the building materials produced today have quite a few chemical components that negatively affect human health. So, to build a clean house, you need rye straw, the construction process will be shown later.
Materials- rye straw
- timber
- clay
- sand
- lime
- roofing material
- waterproofing
- board
- rail
- fine mesh
Instruments- laser level
- hacksaw
- a circular saw
- ax
- hammer
- professional pipe
- Master OK
- putty knife
- mallet
- roulette
The process of building a house from straw.And so let's figure out what this is
construction and from where it came to us, and everything is quite simple, our great-grandfathers built houses of straw and covered her roof. In those days, materials were used exclusively of natural origin, because people were distinguished by their good health and stamina, since there was nothing harmful, unlike today. The best material is material from Mother Nature.

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To build the walls of the house or the roof, our ancestors used rye straw, because the "rodents" do not really like it and do not settle in it, unlike wheat.
On the advice of the author, rye straw should be used, and it must be prepared in the fall and put into storage, or hayed so that it remains dry during storage. Straw is best used in bales, because when the straw block is mechanically formed, high density is achieved, which again prevents the breeding of “rodents” in the walls. Also, pressed straw does not burn, but only charred at the edges.

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The density of the block can be checked as follows, simply standing on its feet, if the bale is strong and does not fall apart, then it can be used when laying the wall.

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After the material is prepared, you should mark the place for the construction of the future house and decide on the construction of the foundation, you can use the well-known tape, or screw the piles. The pile foundation was used in the development of the North, today this technology is quite well known and available to anyone who wants to build a house on stilts. The advantage of this type is that the building does not touch the ground. And so the author with friends screw piles, first in the corners, and then around the perimeter.

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As soon as the piles are screwed in, the author measures with a laser level, because the slightest roughness at the beginning of construction can lead to an uncomfortable situation on its completion. Piles should be located at least 50 cm above the surface of the earth. After all the conditions are met, you can proceed to the construction of the frame from the timber and board.
The roof is covered immediately so that when laying the straw blocks in the walls of the frame, they will not get wet from sudden weather and rain.

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And only then the masonry of the walls begins, the indisputable plus of this masonry is that the solution is not required, and the blocks simply fit in two rows of a checkerboard pattern.
Then window openings are inserted into the walls of the building.
Glass packets are installed in the resulting window openings

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After the main work is completed, the master proceeds to the plastering of the walls. For this purpose, it is worth using a solution based on clay, lime and sand.

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The prepared solution is applied to the walls.
That's actually the whole technology of this construction. According to eyewitnesses in Europe, houses built from straw are still preserved, which are more than 200 years old and have retained a beautiful appearance, below is a photograph of one of these houses.
This concludes my tale. Thanks for attention! Come visit often, do not miss the latest in the world
This article is for informational purposes only!