On weekends, after a working and working week, sometimes I want to relax and rest, read a good book or magazine. Sitting monotonously on a sofa or armchair is quickly boring, but if you sit in a rocking chair, and even by the fireplace or stove, then the pleasant process will last for a long time.
In furniture stores, this furniture Sometimes it costs a lot of money for a simple person, but using natural ingenuity and hands growing from the right place, you can make a chair yourself. How to do it? See further. And so let's look at what the author will need to create a chair.
1. board (maple)
2. rattan
3. stain
4. stain
5. wood screws
1. jigsaw
2. sandpaper
3. grinding machine
4. brush
5. drill
6. screwdriver
7. pattern
The process of manufacturing rocking chairs do it yourself.
Rocking chair is a great place for relaxation and thought, literature is also well read and remembered. This chair came to us from Europe, at first only noble and wealthy people naturally had such furniture, and over time it became available to the common man.

Making a chair requires a strong and hard wood, for example, the author took maple, a very good and durable tree with a noble texture. First, you should make sketches and drawings for the future chair, as well as make a pattern along the contour of which blanks will be cut.

Further, the author cuts maple boards along the patterns.

Such beautiful armrests are obtained, then the author carefully polishes them so that they become very smooth and even.

Then all the workpieces are assembled in a single design.

The seat is attached.

And here is the result.

Next, the author drills holes around the perimeter of the seat and back, they are needed in order to then make a slinky rattan. Rattan is very plastic and at the same time strong material, many know that beautiful wicker furniture is made of it.

This is how the holes were drilled. Then the author begins to pull the rattan fibers, first along.

Then the fibers are woven across, this kind of woven mesh is created.

By the same principle, the author begins to trim the back of the chair.

Then again cross-weaves.

View of the chair from the back.

Here is the result, just look what a beauty.

The author also made a small armchair for his child.

Now the master has his own chair in which he can sit in the evening by the fireplace or TV.
This concludes my story. Thanks for attention! Come often to visit, do not miss the latest in the world homemade!
This article is for informational purposes only!