Young people mostly dress like a bracelet for beauty, because time can be viewed on a smartphone or tablet, from where they practically do not come out, unless they want to eat when.
But still, a watch is very beautiful and stylish, especially when it is made of a precious metal of gold or silver. Prices for such products are understandably sky-high and the average person can’t afford.
Hardly anyone knows that a watch case can be made by yourself, either from simple metal or from precious metal. Do not believe it ??? Then watch how the author does it and you will learn how to make a watch do it yourself.
Consider what it took the master to build a silver watch?
1. silver
2. Lightning watch
3. genuine leather
4. thread
1. lathe
2. hacksaw
3. crucible
4. earth form
5. burner
6. set of files
7. tweezers
8. glass cutter
9. drill
10. velvet
The process of creating a silver watch with your own hands.
And so it should begin with the history of the clock that will be taken as a basis, namely, the mechanism will be removed from the case. According to the author, he bought a Lightning pocket watch on a chain in a brass case in the dashing 90s, because there was an erratic depreciation of the Soviet currency, prices in stores soared up right before our eyes.
People were terribly frightened by the confusion and invested in things and various items in order to at least somehow save their earned and accumulated money.
The author here bought a pocket watch expensive at that time for 300 with a little then rubles. Then they deformed a little during an unforeseen situation and lay in a box for 25 years.
And recently, the author wanted to make a watch in a silver case for himself, because he already had little experience in jewelry. Basically, the author turned watch cases from brass, but with silver it should be very careful, because the metal is quite soft.
And so the mastermodel Plexiglas blank protrudes from the body. Silver will melt at high temperature and be poured into a prepared dry earth mold.And so we see how the author pours liquid metal into a mold.After the mold cools down, a silver billet of the case is taken out of it.The influx formed during the pouring process is cut off and then control weighing is done.Further, the author processes the workpiece on a lathe, first of all, he spread a white rag, it is needed to catch the falling chips in the process. In no case should you lose chips, you yourself understand that it is worth a lot. The author keeps the revolutions on the machine within 200-300 revolutions, this is necessary so that the chips do not turn into fine dust and do not fly apart, do not understand where, but slowly fall off the cutting edge of the lathe with an even and long strip.And again, weighing and accounting, every gram counts and is listed in a notebook.Here is such a chip should be obtained when processing silver, long!The resulting chips in the process is pressed into a special press and again weighed.The author inserts glass into the processed case trying on it.Weighing.The mechanism is trying on.Weighing the body with already re-melted chips.Then it is cast using the same technology as the back case of the future watch.The influx is sawn off and charged into the headstock of the lathe.According to the author, it is necessary to work with silver as carefully as possible, because the slightest defect will lead to damage to the entire part and the entire process to smark.
This concludes the article. Thanks for attention! Come visit more often, do not miss the latest in the world homemade!
This article is for informational purposes only!