This spinner is a full-fledged hybrid of several popular spinners, which are actively used by fishermen from around the world. The name of the spinner is made up of the name of those spinners on the basis of which it was created - hence such a strange and unusual name. Maropaeda is a pretty catchy bauble, and for a very long time it has been a true secret of sports fishers - until now, with a lot of information about fishing on the Internet, it is difficult to find authentic drawings with the dimensions of this bauble. Nevertheless, you can make this important thing yourself, and this process is quite simple.
Materials and tools:
Of course, every fisherman has the right to choose all materials for manufacturing and tools independently - some craftsmen cope exclusively with a soldering iron and a simple file. However, to obtain the optimal result, it is important to prepare your workplace in advance, stock up on everything you need and allocate free time to create spinners.

You will need:
• Blowtorch;
• Strong scissors, preferably for metal;
• Medium size file;
• Solder and soldering acid;
• Flux, sheet copper, brass;
• Vise for securing parts.
In addition, you can take clamps, pliers and fixing tools for work - this will greatly facilitate and speed up the process of creating high-quality and functional spinners.
Process of creation:
Step one
To create a spinner without fail, you will need a paper template - you can find it using a regular search on the Internet. You need to print such a template in advance so as not to waste extra time. We paste the resulting template on a copper or brass sheet so that the edges are tightly fixed - this is necessary to create the correct shape of the baubles. Scissors for metal cut the workpiece.

It is important to leave a small margin around the edges - the excess can always be removed with improvised tools if necessary, but if an error occurs, the missing part cannot be added, and you will have to start the process again. We process the cut workpiece with a file in order to get smooth edges. The pasted template can be left in place for now - as a rule, an auxiliary dividing strip is present in the drawing.

Second step
On a line running along the central part of the template, we bend the workpiece at an angle of 90 degrees with a vise.After that, you can once again walk along the edges of the workpiece with a file and get rid of the glued paper template - in the process of creation it will no longer be useful. With the help of a vice, we again clamp the workpiece, we file alternately the outer sides of the future baubles with a file. It is important not to overdo it and not to grind the sheet to the bottom.

Step three
Now you can begin to manufacture additional spinners. For the manufacture of ears, which serves as a tool for tying a threesome and fishing line, you can use either an ordinary guitar string or a simple pin, which is in every house. We create an eye and, if necessary, squeeze it with pliers so that there are no cracks left. Both ears are alternately soldered to the body of the previously obtained workpiece, then the entire workpiece is completely filled with solder. It is important to pay attention to the temperature regime - the workpiece should not overheat. We process the resulting spinner with a file to an even and smooth shape, attach the tee and use it. If desired, you can add colored elements to the spinner.

This spinner is equipped with an excellent layout, respectively, promises a good catch. The most optimal arrangement of the spinners is 1/3 of the length, however, here you can give free rein to experiments and your own preferences.