An unusual bench around a tree or flower bed will harmoniously fit into the design of the garden. This homemade It will be not only a beautiful addition, but also an incredibly convenient and beautiful vacation spot for family members.
Materials and tools for homemade:
What is needed to create a bench around a tree do it yourself?

Wood screws
Fixing bolts
Cap nuts
Step one
The first step is to make recesses in the shortest seat board. This is necessary so that the back rests snugly against it.

The notches are made as follows. The part is sawn off at both ends at an angle of 60 degrees. Two laths must be attached to it. The first is the size of the back, and the second will be a support.
It is important to remember that the back will be at an angle of 100 degrees to the seat. To do everything right, you need to take a joiner square and mark the angle of 100 degrees on the seat and use a hacksaw to saw out a “complex wedge”

In addition, you must not forget that all six bench seats must be the same. In order not to be mistaken, you can use the first sawn boards under the seat as a template. This will greatly simplify the manufacturing process.
Second step
The cutter rounds the edges. Drill holes. And only after that you can start mounting the backrest.
By the way, before assembling the structure, you can treat the wood with a primer. This is necessary so that the product does not become unusable after a few weeks. Still, being outdoors is damaging the tree.

Step Three Final
The assembled seats and backs now need to be connected to each other. To do this, take the mounting bolts and cap nuts. It is important to consider that during assembly some parts may shift. Therefore, you need to control this by increasing or decreasing the gaps between the fastened parts using bolts.

A bench around a tree or flower bed fits perfectly into any decor of the garden. It is very comfortable and beautiful. The advantage of such a homemade in the simplicity of design.If you wish, you can decorate your garden and make an additional place to relax in the summer.