Many people live in standard apartments, where often there is not enough space in the kitchen. No matter what efforts were applied, no matter how many kitchen utensils were pushed into cabinets and shelves, there was still not enough space. What to do? The answer is simple - save space with a folding of furniture. An elegant and creative solution will be a folding table. By the way, it’s not at all necessary to buy it in a store, giving, moreover, a lot of money. If you try and make a little effort, you can build it do it yourself.
Materials and tools:
The material for creating this component of the kitchen is not expensive and it is very easy to get it. By the way, the easiest way to make a table from the same materials as the rest of the kitchen.
Chipboard or fiberboard
Manufacturing process homemade:
Step one
Putting the frame together. This is best done with dowels, wimes and self-tapping screws. Holes are drilled in the bars located horizontally. Then lines are drawn in order to make exactly the same in the mating bars. By the way, pointed patterns will be very useful in this matter.
The lower shelf must be screwed to the posts with dowels and corners. To do this, you must first mark the points on the bars for drilling holes, and only after that proceed with fastening.

Second step
After the lower shelf has taken its place, you need to put a countertop. It is necessary to take eccentric couplers. Then in the ends make longitudinal holes for the rods. Combine parts and fasten.
After that, the hinged screw is screwed to the main countertop with a loop.
The pivoting frame for holding the countertops is also mounted on pivoting hinges with bolts.
The most important and necessary in the process of assembling wooden furniture is to give rigidity to the structure. In the case of a table, this can be done in a tricky way, which is used exclusively in construction. Everyone knows typical hull houses. To give structural rigidity, builders use slopes.Strange, but furniture makers are very rare or never use this technique at all. But specifically for this homemade slopes will be very needed.
Step three
Many people know that in wooden furniture all parts are rigidly bonded to each other. This is necessary so that, for example, the shelves in the cabinet retain their shape and do not bend. The same effect must be transferred to a homemade table. Firstly, it is simply necessary so that the folding part of the countertop is not stooped - this makes the table very uncomfortable for eating. And secondly, it is very ugly and will soon make the table not exploitable.
Since the parts of the folding tabletops hang only on hinges, you need to come up with something to give rigidity to both parts. You can just take the bar and screw it on from below, but this is not a way out simply because the tree has different sizes in winter and summer. This may not be very noticeable, but over time, such a design will simply burst.
For those who wish to increase the useful area of the kitchen, a folding table will become an indispensable homemade product. In addition to being compact, it is also easy to manufacture.