It will be no secret to anyone that cats are sometimes very active animals, they run, jump, while sweeping everything in its path, after them remain broken objects of furniture, scattered things, etc., mess, and all this we have to clean up with you.
In order to rid ourselves of such problems, the author of this article suggests that you and I make do it yourself a special platform on which the animal can frolic, or just relax.
To create this work, we need
- construction stapler;
- screwdriver;
- scissors;
- saw;
- jigsaw;
- sandpaper;
- drill;
- a screwdriver.
- plywood or fiberboard sheets;
- cardboard tubes or plastic plumbing pipes with a diameter of about 7 cm;
- 4 wooden sticks with a diameter of 3 cm;
- Upholstery fabric and foam, you can use unnecessary material.
First of all, we will draw up a diagram. We think over the design and dimensions of the structure, it must be strong and safe for the animal.
I bring the finished scheme.

Let's start working with a tree, we will cut out two main parts, it will be a rectangle with dimensions of 55 x 40 cm, as shown in Figure A, and a square of 30 x 30 cm (Figure B). To do this, use a jigsaw. Next, we take a rectangular part and make three holes with a diameter of 3 cm in it, as shown in the photo, wooden vertical sticks will be placed in these holes on which the whole structure will be held. The depth of the holes is not deep, it should be half the thickness of the board. In a square part, you need to make one hole in the middle as described above. The edge of the holes must be cleaned with sandpaper so that it is smooth.
Now we will make the upper part of the structure. You need to take a piece of wood and cut a round piece with a diameter of 40 cm from it, you need to make two such parts. Then you need to drill a hole in the center of each part with a small recess.
Next, you need to take the vertical rods that we prepared in advance and saw them to the appropriate length, the shortest - 85 cm, two 120 cm each, and the highest - 173 cm. For cutting, use an electric jigsaw or an ordinary saw. Subsequently, the vertical sticks will be placed in the prepared holes.
Now let's get to the middle parts of the house. We make them according to the presented scheme.We cut out the details with a cutting tool and make through holes.
When all the details are ready, we will do their upholstery. We take a round blank and put it on a piece of fabric, but before that, in order for the cat to sit softly, you need to soften the surface, for this you need to cut another circle of foam, which we put between the blank and the fabric. Next, we twist the fabric and fix it with a construction stapler, using this method we make two parts.
More details are shown in the photo.
We sheathe the remaining parts according to the same principle, we put foam in each workpiece.
Now that all the details are sheathed, we take previously prepared cardboard or plastic pipes. The diameter of the inner hole of the tubes should be larger than the diameter of the drilled. Then you need to make several bushings using a drill using a crown. We put the obtained parts inside the tubes, after that we take the wooden rods and put them there, this will strengthen the structure and add stability to it.
And now you need to be patient, as there is laborious work ahead.
We will wrap the vertical tubes with a special hemp rope. To do this, take glue and lubricate the surface, fix the beginning of the rope and begin to gradually wind the tube. Next, let the glue dry.
Now let's start making the house.
Dimensions can be taken at your discretion, or use the dimensions given by the author. The house will consist of six parts.
• - bottom;
• - two sides;
• - top part;
• - rear end;
• - front part with door.
All the details of the house are made of wood, it is best to use medium thickness plywood, so as not to burden the structure. Next, we upholstery. As fasteners, we use thin nails or self-tapping screws.
The front part, which will serve as the entrance, is painted in white. Then we decorate the house with the name of the owner with a brush and paints.
Next, we proceed to the manufacture of the stairs, along which the pet will climb into his home. Steps can be wrapped with a rope so that the cat can sharpen its claws. I attach the manufacturing process in the photo.

We begin to assemble the structure.
As fastenings we use screws, screws, corners
At the top of the building, it was decided to make a small cozy nest, for this we take a piece of fabric, a little soft filler, and sew it in the form of a tube, it should turn out a ring-shaped shape, these will be a kind of bumpers for the animal. When everything is ready, we glue several Velcro to the bottom of the sides, this is to fix it.
That's probably all, the house is ready!
Now the pet has its own home, and a place for games.

I am attaching several videos on the creation of such gaming complexes.
Thank you all for your attention!
Please your cats!