Dear site visitors, from the presented material you will learn how you can make your child a cool swing in the form of an airplane. It is the duty of each parent to have a childhood that is fun and carefree. Today the task is difficult, because the prices of children's toys and goods, to put it mildly, are overstated. So, in order to please the child, and at the same time it’s good to save some money for the family budget, the author made a swing-plane from a 25 mm board and ropes. Let's see how he did it.
Materials1. 25 mm board
2. rope
3. metal ring
4. carbine
5. stalk
6. wood screws
7. wood glue
Instruments1. jigsaw
2. drill
3. screwdriver
4. brush
5. stationery knife
6. hammer
7. ruler
Workshop on the assembly of a swing plane.And so, first of all, the author creates an airplane body from a 25 mm board. The board was available from the master, so I did not have to buy the material, which is very good, in terms of economy. And for a child, too, wood is the best material, because it is environmentally friendly, unlike Chinese plastic of unknown origin. At the beginning, the master applies markings on the workpieces.
According to the intended office, a caring father cuts out the details of the future aircraft.
Then begins the assembly of parts into a single design.
Makes wings for an airplane.
The wings of the biplane are installed, as well as a convenient handle is made so that the child can hold on to the flight.
Then a screw was installed and the swing was painted.
Next, the ropes are attached, for convenience, metal rings and carbines were installed.
Here's how to fix the rope properly, according to the numbering shown in the photo.
Well, actually the master then hangs the swing on a thick branch of a tree growing near the house.
All is ready! Flew !!!
These are such wonderful swings from our author, which is why he is very happy, but how happy the child is, he is simply in a frantic delight! This concludes the article. Thanks for attention! Come visit often, do not miss the latest in the world of homemade goods! This article is for informational purposes only!