Dear visitors of the site, the master-class proposed by the author will present the technology for creating a wooden toy "Wheelchair". To date, the bulk of the children's toy is made, as you know from plastic and synthetics, which is not very well reflected in the precious health of the child. So, in order to protect his child from the latest developments of the "chemical industry", the author decided to make a wooden toy. How did he do it? Let's look at all the steps in more detail.
Materials1. 25-30 mm board (linden or aspen)
2. paints (gouache or acrylic)
3. shank (from a shovel) 10-15 cm
4. primer
5. 4 toothpicks or matches
6. wooden sticks 2 pcs
Instruments1. cutter
2. drill
3. pattern
4. jigsaw
5. pencil
6. brush
7. hacksaw
Workshop on the manufacture of wooden toys "Wheelchair"As mentioned above, the best toy for a child is one that is less dangerous for his health. So, wood, as a material for making toys, is the most environmentally friendly and safe, unlike synthetic ones.
From ancient times in Russia, parents made their kids toys made of wood — these are popular rocking horses and gurneys. Easy to manufacture, and the material itself is very affordable and easy to process. Mostly Grandfathers were engaged in their manufacture, because they had a lot of free time, so they made toys and played with the children. And another indisputable plus of a wooden product is its beauty, kindness, and also when working, the master puts a piece of his soul, so a toy with a soul gives joy and happiness.
Today, all parents are well aware of what inflated prices we have for children's products, as they say, “Business and nothing personal,” but our author does not think so and easily breaks the stereotypes that are prevailing today. And so, to create a toy for his child, he took a regular plank (linden) of 25 mm, applied a contour to it using a piece, sawed it out, and then painted it. Everything is extremely simple. The necessary tools and material were prepared in advance.
Here is such a simple sketch plays the role of a pattern.
It is attached to the plank and is outlined.
And then just sawed with a jigsaw.
It is very carefully processed with sandpaper.
Holes for mounting axles are drilled.
The axles themselves are made directly.
Further, the author proceeds to the creation of wheels, he makes them out of an ordinary shank (from a shovel) outlining divisions.
Made a sawing.
All parts are pre-primed.
Then the author collects everything into a single design.
In order for the wheel to sit confidently on the axle, the master makes a hole and inserts wedges. in the form of toothpicks or matches.
After that, the caring father proceeds to painting the horse, first the drawing is applied to the wheels.
Such a flower.
Just beauty.
Then the horse itself is painted.
Flowers and patterns are applied.
Here is the result.
Black strips are also applied to the mane of the horse.
Assembly completed.
Such is the beauty obtained by the author.
As you can see there is nothing complicated.
This toy will bring your child a sea of delight and joy.
And just as you know that the prices for wooden toys are very high today, you can seriously save for the family budget and make your child happy. The manufacturing process is simple, even a child can handle it. This concludes the article.
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This article is for informational purposes only!