Hello !
Many of us have children who love to play with cars, their number can sometimes be measured in dozens, and for often they are all scattered around the house, and sometimes it is simply impossible to assemble everything together. The author of this article offers us to make a special structure in which all the cars will stand. This building will be a 2-story garage, which will have a special flyover, and a large number of parking spaces. Such a garage should definitely please your child, because remember yourself, when as children we all dreamed of having something like that too. This homemade you can make together with the child, I think he will also like the process very much.
This work will not be very expensive, since it will use very common materials that may not even have to be bought. Creation of such a work will also take not very much time, according to the author, about 3 hours.
To make a garage, we need:
• plywood sheet (0.3 cm);
• PVA glue;
- sandpaper;
- file;
- ruler;
- a pencil.
The work will consist of three main stages:
1-Transfer of the drawing to plywood;
2- cutting out all the details;
3- collecting the structure together.
Well, let's get started!
The author has kindly provided all his drawings, which simplifies our work, since we don’t have to waste time creating our own. Looking at the drawings, it may seem that everything is very complicated, but just start and you will succeed.
We take a ruler and a pencil and begin to transfer all the details to the surface of the plywood, we use the sizes indicated on the drawings, we try to draw the details not too close to each other, since the brittle plywood material can spoil the workpiece when sawing.

When all the parts are transferred to plywood, you can start cutting them out, for this we use an electric jigsaw, it will save us a lot of time, but if there is no electric jigsaw, you can use the usual manual one.
First, we cut out larger elements, such as the bottom, roof, side parts, then go to small elements, try to carefully cut them out.

Further, when the cut parts are ready, you need to make holes in them, they are needed to connect the parts together. As a cutting tool we use a manual jigsaw.

When all the elements are ready, you need to process the sharp edge with a file or sandpaper, for convenience we clamp the part in a vice.All these actions are necessary so that the child does not accidentally get hurt during the game.

Let's move on to an important stage of work, namely the collection of a garage in a single design.
We will do everything in order, if something is not clear, see the photos provided, everything is clearly transmitted there.
You will need such basic elements as the front of the second floor and the platform. As a part fixer, we will use PVA glue between each other, smear the connecting elements and join together.

We put partition walls, they will serve as a dividing element for cars, dividing them among themselves.

Then take the side element and connect it to the lower element of the front wall. Next, we take the previous two parts, and also combine them, so the housing of the model of the garage should turn out.

When one floor is ready, and all parts are connected, we will take up the lift. To do this, take two identical walls and put them according to the example, as shown in the photo, close the partitions on top, do not forget to carefully lubricate everything with glue.

At the end we glue the roof, then the lower, the remaining part of the bridge.

If the description turned out to be complicated for you, and somewhere incomprehensible, the above photos will help you, the author tried to show all the difficult moments and the sequence of work.
When the glue is completely dry, and you are convinced that the design is completely ready, a home-made garage can be given to children. Joy in the eyes of children is provided for you, such a toy will not leave anyone indifferent. There is another big plus of this work, thanks to such a simple construction, your children will become accustomed to order, which is very important for us, parents.

If desired, the body of the garage can be given color.
Thank you all for your attention!
Make your kids happy!