The task for the author was the following: to make a bed on which you can sit during the day, and it would not interfere with the passage, and sleep at night. Moreover, the bed should be double and will be placed in a limited space. The dimensions of the bed should be 1600 * 1200 when folded and 1600 * 2400 when unfolded. The size of the bed was determined by the place of its installation. The bed should be set in a niche.

To make the bed, the author used the following
Tools and materials:
-Pipe profile 15 * 15 * 1.5-36 meters;
-Bar 30 * 40;
-The cloth;
-Welding machine;
-A screwdriver;

Step One: Frame
According to the author’s idea, it is necessary to make two frames. Moreover, the lower one should stand motionless, and the upper one should “run over” it in the folded state and “move out” in the unfolded state. Rollers are mounted on the legs of the moving part. Starts welding work.

Step Two: Painting
Paints the welded frame.

Step Three: Detachable Part
During the manufacture of the frame, the author encountered the following problem: it is dangerous to cook in a wooden house, and the frame, when welded, does not pass through the door. Then the author cut the frames. I inserted a smaller pipe in them, drilled it and riveted it in place.

Step Four: Build
After the frames were assembled, the author attaches a beam to them. Shifts two frames together, and from the middle moves to the edges. It turns out one bar is mounted on a fixed frame, and the other on a movable one. Between the bars, the author leaves gaps.

All bars are fixed. Now you can check how the structure will work.

Next you need to close the end part. To do this, the author cut the size of plywood, sheathed it with material and fixed it to the corners from the end of the bed.

Now it remains to lay two mattresses and the bed is ready.