Hello to all the fishermen!
This article will be interesting to many fishermen who catch fish in the usual or bottom way, as it will describe a method of manufacturing a very necessary thing fixtures, without which not a single fisherman can do without it - this is a stand for the rod, it greatly simplifies the fishing process. Next, the manufacturing process will be described, with a detailed photo report.
In order to make a stand we need.
- drill;
- a pencil;
- roulette.
- a plastic pipe with a diameter of 20 mm;
- fastening under a plastic pipe with a diameter of 50 mm - 8 pcs .;
- 6 pipe sections of 50 cm;
- 4 pieces of pipe of 20 cm;
- 4 corner fittings with a diameter of 25 mm;
- 8 tees with a diameter of 25 mm;
- 24 furniture confirmations;
- 8 bolts with a diameter of 6 mm;
- 8 wing nuts with a diameter of 6 mm;
- one key for confirmations.

Let's start manufacturing.
We take confirmations and shorten them, about the fourth round.

Next, we take the mount for plastic pipes and unscrew the tail part from it.

Then we take a bolt, the diameter of which is 6 mm, first we make a stud out of it, then we take a regular and wing nut, and screw on it, screw the resulting part into the pipe holder.

Next, we take a fitting corner and drill holes in it, use a drill with a diameter of 4 mm, we carry out the same operation at all corners.

Then twist the confirmations.

Then we take four tees and drill holes in them, we also use a drill with a diameter of 4 mm, when everything is ready we screw the confirmations.

Next, we take the remaining four tees and drill holes in them as shown in the photo, screw the confirmations.

Now we take two pipe sections of 50 cm each, on which we mark up, and then drill holes with a drill, the diameter of which is 6 mm. In order for the holes to coincide on both sides, it is enough to draw an axial line along which we further make a hole.

We proceed to the assembly of the structure.
First of all, we put on a corner, then tees, we do the same operation with the next pipe segment.

This should be the basis.

Next, we install vertical racks, each equal to 20 cm.

Then fasten the tees to the vertical posts.

Now we fix the holders with the wing nut.

Next, we take two pieces of pipe with holders and insert them into the tees, as shown in the photo. Do not forget to clamp the confirmations with a key.

As a result of all the actions, we got such a homemade stand for donkeys and fishing rods.

I would like to write right away what, why, and for what, since you probably had a lot of questions.
1. Why did the confirmations be used - because they have a large thread pitch, as well as they are easily screwed in and tightly clamped.
In fact, this stand has many possibilities, despite the fact that it has relatively small dimensions - the rods on it are good.
2. In this stand, it is possible to change the angle of the rod, for this it is necessary to unscrew the two confirmations a little, then you need to raise or lower the tees, fix them in the position we need, and everything is ready, the desired inclination is set.
One of the big advantages of this stand is that it is collapsible and does not take up much space.

It is enough to disassemble it, put it in a bag or a special case and can be transported to the place we need.

This article can be considered complete.
Thank you all for your attention.