For example, you are on a long hike, for all the time you are pretty tired and sweaty, to discharge you need to wash, and ideally take a steam bath. The idea is great! But where in the wild to find a bath? -Don't build it from logs :(
It’s not necessary at all, there are a number of interesting ideas for creating easy-to-assemble mobile baths from improvised materials, which will be discussed later, but for now let's see what is required for the construction of mobile bath No. 1
1. pine pole
2. stretch film
3. large stones (naked)
4. scotch tape
5. rope
6. a lot of firewood
1. ax
2. knife
The process of building a mobile camping bath do it yourself.
And so, this idea is ideal for hunters, fishermen and tourists, in general for those people who spend a long time in the wild, but there is no way to fully wash and relax.
The design and principle of the bath is quite simple: the first thing in the area is to collect large stones and drag them to the camp site. Then fold them in such a way that there are gaps between the stones for free circulation of air.
It is best to stack the stones in such a way that a kind of stove is formed with a cavity inside, where dry firewood is laid. Now you need to heat the stones very strongly, you will have to burn at least 5 hours.
And while the stones are heated, the author collects the frame, for which he uses pine poles, you can also use absolutely any tree, the main thing is to collect the base.
After the firewood burns out and the stones are sufficiently heated, the author removes the coals and cinders from the stones, in order to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning!
Then the frame is wrapped in stretch film, the covering is made in a circle, as well as the roof.
Here the author introduced a mobile bath scheme.

ATTENTION! Do not stretch the film or tent while burning a fire, which can cause a fire! First of all, follow the fire safety rules! Protect the forest from fire!

Next, another option for creating a camping bath will be presented to your attention, the principle is the same, the materials are slightly different. Option number 2
1. spruce branches (branches of conifers)
2. raincoat "poncho"
3. hazel trunks
1. ax
2. knife
The process of building a mobile bath from hazel and lapnik
And so, as in the first case, the author collects large stones, stacks up in a similar way and lights a fire to heat them. While the stones are heating up, tourists collect the frame, use hazel.After the stones were heated and the coals were removed, the guys proceeded to lining the walls of the frame with lapnik.On top of the green walls they laid their rain poncho capes.According to the guys, steaming in such a bathhouse is a pleasure, because the aroma from coniferous branches is coming, just the highest class!This option is also very simple, and will not be a special skill in construction)
The next option presented by the author is based on the same principle, but the design is slightly different. And so we look. Option number 3
1. plastic film
2. pine poles and sticks
3. rope
1. ax
2. knife
The process of building a bath in the recess
To build this bathhouse, the author dug a small depression in the sandy soil, it is also possible to use natural depressions, which are often found both in the forest and along the banks of water bodies.
The principle is the same, stones gather, fire is made.

Option number 4 Use of a tent without a bottom.
As you understand all the same, only for the place of the frame will be set up a tent. We heat up the pebbles.

Option number 5 We use an awning
Here a little more serious. At first, a small depression under the future fireplace rummages.A metal mesh lays on top of the pit, and stones are already on it.The frame of poles and sticks is also going to.A saucepan of 4 buckets is placed on the pebbles and water boils in it.Water is needed as you understand so that you can also wash, after the steam room.Then again the coals are removed and the frame is covered with an awning.Everything can go and is steamed in the bathhouse. These are the cool ideas presented by the guys from their camping life, for which many thanks to them! Perhaps some of the proposed you will come in handy, and then you share with us your experience and photos.
This concludes the article. Thanks for attention! Come visit often, do not miss the latest in the world of homemade goods!
This article is for informational purposes only!