Good day to all !
Today, the author of this article will describe a method of making a bed. do it yourself, the whole process will be accompanied by a photo report.
To make a bed, we need:
- plywood 15 mm thick (if there is no plywood, you can use a non-laminated chipboard or planks);
- pine beam
-bolts, washers, nuts, self-tapping screws;
- studs
- foam rubber with a density of 25 ;;
- synthetic batting;
- adhesive composition for foam rubber;
- laminated particleboard and fiberboard;
- matter for of furniturethreads;
- an electric jigsaw or circular saw (you can order a cut from specialized companies);
-drill + set of drills;
- hammer;
- spray gun;
- sewing equipment;
- air gun;
Well, let's get started!
To begin with, we cut out the side parts of the body for the head of the bed, we use plywood as the material.
Then we take a wooden beam and cut the cross-beams, we take the size depending on the width of the bed.
As fasteners, we use self-tapping screws, the length of which is 45 or 55 mm.
We fix the headboard body.
Next, using a circular saw, plywood sheet mode into small strips, they will go to the front of the head of the head.
We fix everything with self-tapping screws, the length of which is 35 mm.
Then, using a drill, you need to make several holes for the inner nuts.
When everything is ready, install the nuts inside.
Next, we take the fiberboard sheet, close the back of the back with it, fix it with a stapler, if there is none, use nails.
Then we take polyurethane foam and stick it on the frame.
The excess parts are cut with a knife. On the front of the headboard we put foam rubber, 4 cm thick.
We fix the foam rubber with special glue, if it is not there, you can replace it with ordinary PVA.
Next, glue the foam on the ends of the product.
Now with the next layer we have a synthetic winterizer, it should remove all the irregularities that may subsequently appear on the fabric, we fix it in a similar way.
When everything is ready, we cut off the excess parts with scissors.
Then we cut seven wooden blocks, they will serve as an angular mount for the box.
We take the fiberboard sheet and cut the workpieces according to the dimensions, when everything is ready, take the prepared bars and begin to fasten them with self-tapping screws. The beam is painted white, according to the general background. Gradually collect two identical boxes, as shown in the photo.
Glue felt pieces on the end of the upper beam - this is to soften contact with the metal mesh.
Then we make the side parts of the bed.
As material we use chipboard or plywood.
Install the internal nuts.
Next, we take 10 mm thick polyurethane foam and glue it to the surface.
Cut off the excess parts using a sharp knife.
Also do not forget to paste over the ends.
Next, we take a synthetic winterizer and glue it on top of the polyurethane foam.
Then we make the foot, repeat the above procedure.
We encircle the side housing parts with protective material, with the help of a stapler we fasten a special Velcro that will fix the removable cover.
If you decide not to do the cover, Velcro is not needed, just simply cover everything with a cloth.
An example of where the holes for the lifting gear are located.
In this way, the box is pulled together.
If you decide to make this design at home, then you can do without sewing a special cover, just take the fabric and lay it, and then fix with brackets or nails.
So look ready removable cover.
The end result should be like this model the beds.
Since you are likely to have questions, the author is attaching an additional video with the manufacturing process.
Thank you all for your attention!