Warning! Work is carried out using a lethal level of tension, do not start if you are not completely confident in your abilities.
This manual tells how to make a Lichtenberg generator from an old microwave oven, which is a powerful enough device that can create beautiful plasma arches and burn amazing patterns in a tree.

Materials and tools for homemade:
- unnecessary microwave;
- screwdrivers;
- wires, screws, piece of board or bar;
- baking soda, water ...
Homemade manufacturing process:
Step 1: watch the video
[media = https: //youtu.be/P38MtmGPkNo]
The video above gives the most complete explanation of the work. Likes and comments are welcome.
Step 2: find a microwave for materials
To begin with, the author makes sure that the furnace is unplugged, then removes the metal case. It is quite simple, since it is only enough to unscrew the screws. The very process of opening a microwave is quite complicated, because a powerful capacitor is hidden inside the case, which carries a lethal charge of electricity. First of all, it must be carefully turned off or disconnected from the mains, disconnected from the furnace, and then removed away.

Step 3: get the transformer

A transformer is a necessary component of the future design. It will be relatively easy to get it, since the transformer is attached to the case only with screws.
Step 4: new transformer wiring

The author removes the mains plug from the back of the furnace and connects its positive and negative ends to the two inputs of the primary coil. Polarity does not matter. Then he connects one end to the secondary coil, and the other to a metal casing, which will supply electric current to a wooden block.
Step 5: enjoy the show

Connect both wires with either two screws or nails hammered into a wooden block. Then the author mixes two tablespoons of baking soda with a large mug of water and pours this mixture between the electrodes, connects the structure to the network and moves away.When the generator is connected to the network, do not touch it, neither the electrodes, nor the tree, as this can be fatal. Before you approach the bar you need to turn off the generator from the network.