Hello again, dear friends and those interested in them.
The USB modem, in fact, is a transceiver operating in the high frequency range. The operating mode is practically continuous and he, like any device, has the property to heat up, but within normal limits. If the modem is constantly on, and after a long work, you can safely hold your hand on the modem’s case, then everything is fine. But many users have noticed that any modem gets too hot. Most of all, in such modems, if you understand, 2 microprocessors are heated, but there are no built-in cooling systems for them. Some even happened that under heavy load the modem heats up to 60 degrees. When heated, the modem becomes very slow and the speed simply slows down. Therefore, many are trying to solve this problem on their own using a passive cooling installation.
I personally also faced this situation. Therefore, I decided to construct a simple home-made cooling for my modem, taking an ordinary cooler from an old computer and several other materials.
1) Old computer cooler,
2) USB cable
3) Hard wire (in my case, the spoke is from the bicycle wheel),
4) Plastic plate.

1) Thermo gun and hot glue,
2) Pliers
3) Clerical knife,
4) Insulating tape,
5) scissors,
6) Sandpaper,
7) Ruler,
8) A simple pencil,
9) Marker.

First, we clean the cooler and cable wires from insulation with a clerical knife.

We connect these wires.

Cut off the excess with scissors.

We isolate all this with electrical tape.

Next, we draw and cut 4 triangles from a plastic plate.

We clean out the uneven parts of the triangles with sandpaper.

We glue them on the corners of the cooler with a thermal gun.

Now you need solid wire.

We cut it a little shorter than the diagonal length of the cooler. Such pieces will need two pieces.

Glue them with a thermal gun to the corners of the cooler.

Again, you need solid wire for the cooler legs.

Marker mark the dimensions on the wire using a drawing.

With pliers we bend the wire along the marks. It should be a leg.

We make another one of the same leg.

Glue them on the cooler.

It should be like this.

We insulate the legs with an insulating tape so that the cooler does not slip.

It remains to put the cooler on the modem.

Now my modem, as soon as it starts to warm up, I turn on the cooler and the modem cools down within two to three minutes and starts to work better again. But there is one drawback of this cooler - the sound of the cooler, but it does not bother me at all when watching a video or listening to music.
That's all. If you have a modem and you have encountered such a situation, then you can simply design a similar homemade and your modem will not get so hot. And that's all for me. Thank you all for your attention! Good luck to everyone and bye !!!