And so for this we need:
-reducer (if you don’t, then you can buy)
15 cm ruler (or something similar)
box for batteries
150mm water pipe or plastic container
thermal glue
soldering iron

And so, for starters, you need to cut off the upper part from the plastic container, since it is the strongest, and then cut into two equal parts (this will be a kind of “legs”)

Now you need to make a slot in the gearbox axis:

Then we need to insert our “legs” into these slots and glue them firmly:

Now we take a ruler or a plastic plate and by heating we bend it in half and glue it to the gearbox:

In conclusion, we need to glue the battery box to our workpiece as shown in the photo and connect the wires from it to the gearbox (you can also solder the switch, but I did not start the construction and just insert the batteries), this will not only be a power source but also a counterweight to the whole structure:

Well, that’s all, such a funny toy turned out, in order for it to start “crawling” you need to insert the batteries and put it as shown in the photo:

Here is a video on the assembly and testing of this robot:
Thank you all for your attention.