Sometimes when working with a multimeter it is not very convenient to use standard probes. To eliminate this drawback, the author made a measuring mini-stand.
Tools and materials:
-Two crocodile clips;
-Copper plate;
-Two terminals;
-Connector from the IDE cable;
-Soldering iron;
-Glue gun;

Step One: The Basis
The author made the basis of the stand from the board. I cut the board and rail of the right size. I drilled holes for mounting bolts and wires in them.

Step Two: Connector
Disassembles a cable connector. Solders to each row of contacts through the wire.

Step Three: Build
Starts to build. Screws on the terminals, copper plate. Fastens crocodiles. The connector fixes with hot glue. Connects all points with wires, if necessary isolates with heat pipes.

The mini stand is ready. The photos show some examples of its use.