For the manufacture of a chair you do not need serious knowledge in the carpentry and carpentry, everything is extremely simple and practical. The material is also the simplest. It is a 25-30 mm board and screws.
Let's look at the whole process of creating a "Garden Chair", and also analyze what exactly the author needed?
1. board 25-30 mm (soft breed)
2. wood screws
3. stain
4. varnish
1. hacksaw
2. screwdriver or screwdriver
3. ruler and pencil
4. brush
5. sandpaper
The process of creating a "Garden Chair" with your own hands.
Get your summer cottage the furniture it’s not so difficult, especially if you have the material (pallets or board) of the board you first need to plan and sand it with sandpaper, and then just follow the author’s photo instructions.
First of all, the armrests are made from the board (in the form of the letter P) everything is twisted with the help of wood screws.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in creating a garden chair, everything is extremely simple and clear.
So, do not discard pallets and planks after construction or repair, it will be possible to make cool furniture from them.
This concludes the article. Thanks for attention!
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