Dear site visitors, from the material presented by the author, you will learn how to make a ottoman-cube
do it yourself. Of all the furniture products, the ottoman is the easiest to create and assemble and does not require special knowledge in furniture or carpentry, the main thing is that hands grow from the right place)
This type is mainly
of furniture has a cubic or rectangular shape, the material for the manufacture of the frame is often used chipboard or thick plywood. Sawed to the required size and twisted into a cube, then glued with foam rubber and fitted with a furniture cloth.
Let's take a closer look at all the stages of creating a ottoman, and also find out what material the author used?
Materials1. Particleboard
2. foam rubber
3. furniture fabric
4. glue
5. wood screws
6. buttons
7. kapron thread or fishing line (for screed)
8. staples
Instruments1. jigsaw (hacksaw)
2. screwdriver (screwdriver)
3. ruler
4. pencil
5. drill
6. brush
7. needle
8. stationery knife
The process of creating a "ottoman-cube" with your own hands.And so, it was mentioned above that the ottoman is the simplest furniture product, but here there are subtleties and nuances, which will be discussed later.
First you need to calculate the required amount of material, as well as make sketches and a sketch of the future product. Again, on a sheet of paper, calculate the geometry of the cube, the length and width of the blanks. Here is how our author did it.
Attention!So that you get exactly an even cube, please pay attention to the drawing and notes of the wizard, from which it is clear that there are 3 blanks with sides of 40x40 cm and 2 other 36.8x40, and this calculation is made based on the fact that when assembling the cube, these two boards will add the thickness of the screwed boards. Be careful! But on the other hand, nothing terrible will happen, just an even cube will not work, and you can already say a rectangle. For starters, it will do)
Further, the author proceeds to sawing a sheet of chipboard, for this task you can use a circular saw, a jigsaw, if there is no such power tool, then it does not matter, handle the hacksaw perfectly.
The material can be purchased at the building store, but it is better to use the old furniture boards of the chipboard, most likely the thrifty owner has Soviet-made planks. Also today, just throwing away old furniture with a shaft, sometimes it’s a pity to look at it “painfully in my heart”, because there are quite suitable boards, plywood, from which you can make a lot of useful things)
The master from a sheet sawed here such even and accurate preparations
unforgettable about the size.Next, each blank must be marked and measured the center of the square, and this is done very simply, from straight line to corner straight lines are drawn and a cross, a crosshair will be the center. Using a drill or a screwdriver, a hole is drilled. What is the hole for? And it will be necessary later on for a carriage coupler.
Then the author conducts a preliminary fitting, everything is fine and even. In order to twist the chipboard boards in them, it is necessary to pre-drill holes for future screw fastening. The diameter of the drill strictly !!! must be smaller than the diameter of the screw itself, otherwise the fastening will be unreliable, and the self-tapping screw will hang "like a pencil in a glass"
Then screws are screwed in with a screwdriver or screwdriver.
And so it turned out such a "cube" then it should be pasted with foam rubber, previously cut to the size of the cube.
The sheets are glued to the glue, which is applied to the surface in this way.
After the work is done, the entire surface of the cube is covered with foam rubber and it should be allowed to dry, and in the meantime, you can prepare furniture fabric for covering the ottoman, as well as buttons and fishing line to create a carriage screed.
Then the ottoman will be covered with fabric, the edges of the material are shot flush with brackets. A hole is made into the fabric with a needle and pulled through a drilled hole in the chipboard, with the help of a button fixed on the end of the fishing line, a screed takes place, and the fishing line is fastened and fixed again from the inside of the cube by shooting it with brackets to the board. And such a wonderful "ottoman-cube" is obtained.
As you can see, there is practically nothing complicated, and a person who wants to have handmade furniture in his house is quite capable of it)
This concludes the article. Thanks for attention!
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