The author is engaged in leather goods, by the way, relatively recently mastered this lesson, having learned everything independently. And manual labor today is highly paid, so guys reading the material, you are on the right track.
Let's see what the master will need to make a mask? We carefully consider the entire creation process, and also find out which tool is better to use.
1. genuine leather (black)
2. acrylic glass
3. brass rivets
4. eyelets
5. buckle (brass)
6. waxed silk thread (black and red)
7. thin genuine leather (for eyeglass unit)
8. A4 paper sheets (for template)
9. wax based skin cream
1. guitar string
2. fishing leash
3 punch (for seams)
4. scribe
5. boot knife
6. scissors
7. awl
8. chalk
9. pencil
The process of creating the mask of the "plague doctor" do it yourself.
And so, one should start all the same with the story itself, from where this sinister image of the "plague doctor" appeared.
The thing is. that since the beginning of the middle of the 14th century, the epidemic of the “Bubonic Plague” has terribly flared up in Europe, it is also called the “Black Death”. Outbreaks of the disease continued for 4 centuries, throughout Europe, the plague took millions of lives.
First of all, a breeding ground for any infection is non-observance of "personal hygiene" Wash your hands with soap! so in the Middle Ages a terrible epidemic fierce from unsanitary conditions. From history books, many remember what dirty and fetid cities were in the Middle Ages.
But in Russia this was not! Because the Russian person always comes first in the Bathhouse !!! So you still need to see whose Civilization is higher in development)))
The doctor’s mask itself served him as protection against stench in plague-affected cities. The shape of the bird's beak was chosen with the expectation that strong-smelling medicinal herbs (mint) were packed into it and the doctor himself constantly chewed garlic in order to disinfect the oral cavity from germs, that is, simply put, this is a primitive gas mask of the Middle Ages. The doctor was also dressed in a waxed leather coat, gloves, tight pants.
This image today is quite popular among young people carried away by Steampunk and antiquity.
Now we should consider the process of creating a mask. And so, first of all, the author makes a template from sheets of paper in A4 format.

The lenses for the mask are made of acrylic.

That's the way the master made the mask, thereby completing the next order. There is quite a good demand for manual work today, because you know very well that consumer goods have filled everything that is possible, and a person wants quality and uniqueness, so we are arranged)
This concludes the article. Thank you very much for your attention!
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This article is for informational purposes only!