Dear site visitors, from the master class presented by the author, you will learn how to independently make an integral attribute of a steampunker, of course, it’s “Gogly”
To date, this accessory is purely indicative and in fact little used. But among young people they are very popular, the owner of such points is considered a burnt steampunker)
And if you look purely technically - these are simple welding glasses with ventilation)
Let's look at how the author managed to independently make these points and what did he need for this?
Materials1. genuine leather (brown color)
2. tinted glass from welding glasses
3. brass rivets
4. brass sheet
5. brass wire 10 mm
6. buckle (brass)
7. bath mat
8. silk waxed thread
9. paraffin
10. beeswax
11. brass nuts
Instruments1. lathe (the author has a homemade one)
2. metal sheet
3. drill
4. grinding machine
5. vernier caliper
6. pliers
7. tap
8. scissors
9. needle
10. boot knife
11. hammer
Gogly do it yourself, process of creationAnd so it should start with a small background to the initial purpose of these glasses, first of all they were used by the British Empire pilots in the 19th and early 20th centuries, because the aircraft of that time did not have a cockpit protecting the pilot himself, and there was only one windshield, which at the speed of the aircraft and the headwind was not adequately protected. So, to protect the voice of the aviator, it was the Gogles who relied on these glasses, the pilot felt comfortable and controlled the plane, and of course, he fought.
Also, mechanics and welders had similar glasses to protect their eyes from external negative factors.
Now let's look at how and from what the author made his gogly? The first thing was to make a pattern, and leather blanks for eye eyepieces were already cut out on it.
Two cut parts stick together, so the skin will become much thicker and stronger.
In glasses of this kind, ventilation is very important so that the glass does not fog up during operation. The ventilated part is made of brass fine-mesh, and on top it is finished with leather.
Everything is fastened with brass rivets.
After that, the workpieces are bent into a ring and glued together.
The eyepiece frame is made of brass.
The author makes the rims in his workshop on a makeshift lathe.
To begin with, the master creates these brass rings.
Then opens the clamp of a homemade machine.
Puts a brass blank there.
And naturally tightens with a nut.
These are brass rings obtained at the exit of the machine.
After that, shaded lenses from welding glasses were stocked.
And now the eyepiece is almost assembled, fastening occurs with the help of brass nuts.
The master makes a rim for glasses from a brass bar.
Then comes the nose bridge, a brass tube is taken and a piece of paper is glued onto it.
Then, using a boron machine with a cutting nozzle, a predetermined contour is sawn.
The skin is also cut to the size of the nose bridge and secured with bolts and nuts.
So that the glasses are softer and do not rub the skin, the author makes soft pillows from the bath mat.
In this way, as shown in the diagram.
It is inserted inside and sewn with a waxed thread.
The result of the work on the face)
The second eyepiece.
Glued seams are rubbed with a special putty for the skin.
Further, the author makes decorative elements from brass with the image of gears.
Fastening takes place using these brass rivets.
The author slightly modernized them with the help of a steel stud.
Brass plates are riveted.
The bridge is also attached with rivets, thereby connecting everything into a single structure.
Just beauty)
The straps are all made of the same leather, a buckle is added.
After all the work has been completed, the author arranged a photo shoot for the finished product.
Such wonderful Gogles came from our author, by the way they were made to order and their price was 3500 rubles at the time of sale, a great price for handmade work.
So do more creativity, learn from the masters, as you can see manual labor is paid pretty well)
This concludes the article. Thank you very much for your attention!
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This article is for informational purposes only!