Dear site visitors, from the master class presented by the author, you will learn how
do it yourself You can make a unique case for a flash card in the form of a camera.
Our master is quite passionate about "
Steampunk"and makes his masterpieces in this direction, both for himself and to order.
With the development of computer technology, storage media have tightly entered our lives, each year their size decreases, and the number of gigabytes of memory is only growing. Flashcards are very popular to this day, small and in comfortable cases.
And so, let's look at what the author needed to create a case for a flash card in the form of a "camera"?
Materials1. hard rubber
2. 1mm brass plate
3. brass wire
4. bolts M 2
5. plexiglass
6. flash drive
7. solder
Instruments1. lathe
2. drilling machine
3. incisors
4. pliers
5. sandpaper
6. screwdriver
7. metal scissors
8. vernier caliper
9. burner
10. metal sheet
The process of creating a flashcard housing "camera" with your own hands.First of all, the author takes a piece of ebonite and cuts off a small piece from it, then gives it the correct shape of a square, drills a hole for the lens and the actual placement of the flash card itself.
The lens itself is directly machined from a brass blank, the master carried out all the related work on a lathe.
The author ebony the workpiece is very carefully polished using emery paper of different grain sizes, at the beginning, respectively, is large, and then goes on to reduce the grain.
From the brass sheet is made the edging of the camera body.
Next, the wizard proceeds to create the upper part, where the shutter button and scroll will be located.
Solder the side parts.
Drills a hole for installing buttons.
Then, from a brass sheet, the master makes the diaphragm of the future camera, making preliminary markings.
The diaphragm is cut out and 2 holes are drilled in it, one directly in the center and another small window is shifted to the side, it is intended for standard illumination of a flash card.
All parts are assembled before assembly.
Using the M 2 bolts with a countersunk head, the base of the lens is attached.
The lower part is also screwed on and the brand of the author is put.
Further, the author begins work on creating the objective lens, for which he uses a simple plexiglass. A small piece of the appropriate size is cut off from the sheet with a hacksaw.
Turns a lens on a lathe.
The resulting workpiece is very carefully ground with fine-grained sandpaper. After that, all manufactured parts are prepared for the subsequent assembly of the lens.
And actually, what our master does.
As soon as all the work on assembling the case of the flashcards "camera" was completed, the author arranged a photo shoot, according to the tradition established among the masters of "steampunk".
Here is such a wonderful and at the same time unusual, unique flash card turned out in the case in the form of a camera.
As you know, manual labor today is pretty well priced, because people are looking for uniqueness, and this is due to that. that absolutely all markets and stores are littered with consumer goods.
So do more creativity, develop your abilities data from nature, there will be many difficulties on your way, but do not give up once!
This concludes the article. Thank you very much for your attention!
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This article is for informational purposes only!