What should office workers do if their beloved boss is on vacation, business trip, or sick leave? Of course, arrange some kind of competition. Racing on chairs, inflating balls and hide and seek is certainly interesting, but real office machos will not miss shooting competitions. So, carefully read the article, go to the nearest vending machine for Coca-Cola (not advertising) and proceed to the manufacture of a crossbow.
Tools and materials:
- Four cans of Coca-Cola;
-Stationery knife;
-A pen;
- Strengths;
-Clerical gum;
-Ear sticks;
-Izolenta (not blue);
-Circular pliers;
Step One: Banks
From the cans, the upper and lower parts are cut off. The resulting cylinder is cut. It turns out four sheets.

Step Two: The Bed
Then we do everything as in the photo. Take one sheet and fold in half. Then bend one edge again.

Cut a triangle and bend it.

Bend the edge and cut out the rectangle.

Once again, fold and make an incision, as in the photo.

This is what it should be.

We make another bed, but mirror to the first.

Fold the two parts and bend as in the photo.

Step Two: Shoulders
Fold, twice, the next sheet.

We cut in the middle of the sheet.

We connect both parts of the crossbow.

We bend the edges of the shoulders.

Step Three: Pen
From the last sheet cut the strip, it will come in handy in the future.

The remaining part is folded in half. Makes an incision and bends as in the photo.

We connect the bed and the handle.

Fix with a paper clip.

Step Four: Trigger
Fold the strip, cut it out, make a hole in the corner.

We plan a place for the hole on the bed.

We fix the trigger between the two halves of the bed.

Step Five: Gum
We make incisions on the shoulders. We bend the incised strips. We put an elastic band in the grooves. She will play the role of a bowstring.

The second gum will be fixed on the trigger. From the bottom we cut out the mount. We install it between the shoulders, bend the tongue.

We stretch the elastic.

The crossbow is ready, let's move on to making arrows.
Step Six: Arrows
Cut off the ends of the ear stick. We insert a nail into one end of the stick, if necessary we fix it with glue.Glue pieces of electrical tape from the other end, make plumage. We cut off the corners of the electrical tape.

Now you can test and start the competition.

The entire process of manufacturing a crossbow, in detail, can be seen in the video.