Hello to all lovers homemade. In this article I will tell you how to construct simple darts with a shot using a syringe do it yourself. That is, darts will need to be thrown not with your hands, but fired with a conventional medical syringe, bought from a pharmacy or from a medical center.
Attention! In no case do not direct and shoot this homemade product at humans and animals. It can be very dangerous!
To make this homemade product we need:
1) Glue gun and hot glue,
2) scissors,
3) lighter,
4) A simple pencil,
5) Ruler.
1) Syringe
2) Two needles from syringes,
3) Heat shrink tubing,
4) Cardboard.
The process of making darts with a shot using a syringe with your own hands.
We take two syringes of a complete set and from them we leave one syringe and two or more needles (at your discretion).

Next, a glue gun is useful to us, so that the small holes of the needles from the syringes are covered with hot glue.

We insert the needle into the syringe and insert it into the hole in the nozzle of the glue gun.

After the needle is inserted into the nozzle of the glue gun, we draw the glue into the needle with a syringe. Since hot melt is very thick, the glue will not stretch much, but this will be enough. The main thing is to close the needle hole from the syringe.

We take out the needle from the syringe. And where the syringe is inserted, we also seal it with hot glue. But so that the needle is firmly inserted into the syringe.

I prepared two such needles.

Now we fill the cylinder with air, stretching out the piston of the syringe.

Insert the prepared needle back onto the syringe barrel.

Press the syringe plunger sharply and bukf will instantly fly forward from its place. So he pierced the orange.

And so two needles pierced into thick cardboard.

The prepared needle flies out so much, because when you press the syringe plunger, the air in the cylinder is compressed, since there is nowhere to go because the syringe needle hole is closed with hot-melt adhesive, so the pressure rises in the cylinder and pushes the needle with powerful and fast force. Therefore, the needle so quickly and violently flies out and with its sharp tip will prick on some surface.
In order for the needle to fly straight, and not crooked, wings should be made to him. To do this, we need cardboard, I recommend cardboard of bright color, because if the dart flies anywhere, it could be easier to see and find.But if it is dark in color, then it will be a little more difficult to find a flying off needle.

On the reverse side, draw two identical equal squares and cut them off with the scissors along the resulting lines.

For the manufacture of cardboard dart wings, we need a technique origami. To do this, take one of the squares and bend it diagonally twice.

We click on the middle of the resulting four triangles on the square and such a detail should turn out.

We also collect the second same part.

Scissors cut their tops and you should get these holes.

We insert needles from syringes into these pyramids and fix them with hot glue.

Now it is necessary to strengthen the cylinder of the syringe so that it does not burst from the high air pressure in it. To do this, take a heat-shrink tube, put it on the cylinder, using a lighter, warming with a flame, compress the heat shrink. Now the cylinder wall will be twice as thick.

That's all, the homemade product is ready, now we need to experience it in his work.

Attention! In no case do not direct and shoot this homemade product at humans and animals. It can be very dangerous!
And that's all for me. Thank you all for your attention! Good luck to everyone and bye!