Dear visitors of the site, from the master class presented by the author, you will learn how to independently make a lighter from spent cartridges of a rifle, carbine or assault rifle, for example, the master used 7.62 mm cartridges. The manufacture of lighters from shells originates naturally from the soldiers and front-line homemade products, they were especially common during the Great Patriotic War.
Today, such lighters are again in fashion among steampunk connoisseurs.
Our author went much further and created a rather unusual design in 3 sleeves, which includes 1 main tank filled with cotton and 2 paired with each other (spare)
And so, let's look at what exactly the author needed?
Materials 1. sleeve 7.62 (3) pcs
2. brass tube
3. cotton wool
4. wick
5. flint
6. solder
7. PIC
8. brass bar 10 mm
9. needle valve
10. ammonia
Instruments1. burner
2. file
3. hacksaw
4. lathe
5. vernier caliper
6. drill
7. mini grinder
8. ammonia bath
9. pliers
10. sandpaper
The process of creating a three-liner lighter do it yourself.And so, first you should directly consider the principle of operation of this design and figure out what's what. The lighter has three sleeves, namely 3 tanks, that is, 1 main one into which wool is clogged, as in all classic lighters, but sleeve No. 2 and 3 will serve as reserve tanks for storing gasoline in liquid form.
To connect the sleeves to each other, the author makes holes in the upper and lower parts of the tank and solders the partitions in the form of tubes.
Then solder in a single design.
Previously, the capsules from the cartridges were removed and the end part was reamed for the installation of fillers.
On the lathe were bored: burner, hood, valve.
Also, with the help of a lathe, a stand under the wheel with flint is bored.
Such a stand turned out, the spring with the rod passes in the cavity of the tank No. 2, therefore, it is so long.
The needle valve is made of steel.
Valve cover.
A loop is soldered directly to the valve cover to secure the rocker cap.
The wheel stand is soldered and an additional bezel is made for the strength of the structure.
Rocker with cap and valve.
Trial installation.
Here is the result.
After that, tanks No. 3 and No. 1 are interconnected by means of brazing a brass tube, the author performs soldering on the PIC.
All parts before final assembly.
After the design was assembled, the master placed it in an ammonia bath, and then took it out and warmed it with a burner and the lighter was covered with an excellent and beautiful patina. Next, the first tank is stuffed with cotton.
Refueling is carried out through reservoir No. 3 where the needle valve is located, filled with gasoline, the filler neck is twisted and turned over, after which a couple of revolutions of the needle valve cover are made and counted to five, overfilling and refueling of the first reservoir where the cotton wool is located.
Lighter refilled, trial tests)
Everything caught fire the first time.
Further, according to the custom, among the masters, control photos of the finished product were made.
Here is such a wonderful lighter "Trekhgilzovka" turned out by our author, and most importantly, it is unique and has no analogues, which in our time is very appreciated in things and objects. Also, absolutely everything was done manually, manual labor is always held in high esteem and the price for it is appropriate, so the guys who looked at this material are on the right track. Do more creativity, develop your talent. build, persistently go to your goal, the reward for you will be success and good luck!
This concludes the article. Thank you very much for your attention!
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