The author-master likes things made in retro style. But the prices for such things are sky-high and he decided to try to do such a thing himself. The basis was taken passive sound amplifiers phone type "gramophone" sold in online stores at a price of $ 185-495.
Tools and materials:
- Copper angle;
-Glue for wood;
-Epoxy adhesive;
-Miter saw;
-Drilling machine;
Grinding machine;
- Clamps;
White alcohol
-Copper coating;
Step one: bell
First, the author prepares the bell. Adjusts the thin part to the diameter of the copper angle. Glues the corner to the bell with epoxy glue. Sands the surface for staining.

Step two: making the box
Slices the strips of the desired length and glues the box.

Glues the top cover of the box, fastens the bottom with screws.

Makes a hole at the copper angle.

Makes a cutout for the phone.

For decorative purposes, it makes inserts in the corners.

Grinds the surface of the box.

Step Three: Covering the Box
The author covered the box in several layers with a different coating. First one layer, mixed 1: 1, varnish and white spirit. Then a few layers of varnish. After drying, the varnish was wet-sanded with 400 grit sandpaper. At the end, it polished with wax.

Step Four: Socket Cover
The bell is primed by the author and then applied with a copper coating. Between the last layers of copper, it patina. At the end it covers the bell with varnish.

Fastens a bell in a box opening. Installs the phone.

The sound amplifier in retro style is ready. Enjoy your listening.